EnumSet and EnumMap
February 14, 2017 • Alan Laser
This article discusses java.util.EnumSet and java.util.EnumMap from Java’s standard libraries.
Framework Benchmarks Round 13
November 16, 2016 • Nate Brady
TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks Round 13
Efficient multiple-stream concatenation in Java
October 19, 2016 • Alan Laser
What’s the best way to combine the elements of multiple Streams into a single Stream? This article compares a few different solutions.
Mangling JSON numbers
July 5, 2016 • Alan Laser
If we have a long (64-bit integer) that we serialize into JSON, we might be in trouble if JavaScript consumes that JSON. JavaScript has the equivalent of double (64-bit floating point) for its numbers, and double cannot represent the same set of numbers as long. If we are not careful, our long is mangled in transit.
Performance competition is a good thing
February 24, 2016 • Nate Brady
We started the Framework Benchmarks project to collect data about performance. As the project has matured, we’ve realized it has a new, perhaps even more important reason for being: encouraging both application developers and framework creators to think more about performance.
Think about Performance Before Building a Web Application
February 10, 2016 • Alan Laser
There are a number of technical reasons for applications suffering performance issues. Too often though, it’s the result of performance needs not being properly assessed at the start of work. The “good problem to have” mentality led to a collective blind eye to performance along the way.
One million HTTP RPS without load balancing is easy
March 4, 2014 • Alan Laser
With high-performance software, a single modern server processes over 1 million HTTP requests per second.
Framework Benchmarks Round 1
March 28, 2013 • Nate Brady
Round 1 of the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks Project!
Everything about Java 8
March 27, 2013 • Alan Laser
A comprehensive summary of the developer-facing changes coming in Java 8.
Storage Worries
January 8, 2013 • Alan Laser
In the 1980s, high-tech companies stored information about their customers on their sophisticated and high-cost computer equipment. Back then such practices were exceptional except at relatively large companies. Thirty years later, it’s so commonplace that there are numerous services to store customer data for you “in the cloud.”