0xAX (1): [JSON] [PLAINTEXT] Weber framework Adam Chlipala (18): Redid recent Ur/Web changes Ur/Web: Fix text of fortune added during test Update required Ur/Web version Ur/Web: bring README.md up to date Install latest released Ur/Web version Add Ur/Web caveats to its README.MD Install latest released Ur/Web version Install latest released Ur/Web version Merge Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Update Ur/Web version Move Ur/Web install script into framework directory Remove unnecessary code from Ur/Web benchmark implementation Remove unnecessary line from Ur/Web configuration file Update to latest Ur/Web version Importing improvements to Ur/Web Meta library Upgrade Ur/Web version, and improve installer script to check that the right version is installed before skipping reinstall Upgrade Ur/Web version Alex Schneider (115): Update install for trusty and add support for newest wrk Bring client and database up to 14.04 as well. Fix some minor install issues and update MySQL to a version that supports NUMA architecture. Merge branch 'trusty' of github.com:aschneider-techempower/FrameworkBenchmarks Update client and database for Ubuntu 14.04. Fix some issues with the install and bring MySQL to a version that supports NUMA architecture. Update README for install Minor changes to README Bug fixes to readme Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Update home page readme to be more descriptive, remove extraneous readme, and minor changes to the installer for compatiblity with weber Minor change to hopefully fix weber's install process Final change to weber's install script hopefully Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Fix minor issue with the profile Fix install for weber Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Minor change for weber to prevent install from breaking Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Newest version of postgres requires a configuration change that was previously breaking the install Fix Postgres install, disable SSL, and update version Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #900 from hamiltont/install_box Minor install update Merge pull request #930 from markkolich/curacao Increase compatibility for Cassandra #897 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Add maven to the fw_depends for gemini Add maven to all the fw_depends. Some of them don't require it, but most do, so it is easier to add to all Freeze commits for frameworks that clone from master. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Remove installation portion. Close #773 Merge branch '773' Merged #857 Fix racket setup Fix minor issue with racket's install script. Improve openresty's install. Close #852 Merge pull request #872 from kares/ruby-updates Update README.md Update README.md Update server.properties Close #843. Fix minor issue with racket install Amazing pythonic oneliners! Remove case sensitivity for Fix minor bug. Merge branch 'mojolicious' of https://github.com/jberger/FrameworkBenchmarks into 797 Update server.properties Merge branch '797' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'tweak' of https://github.com/jchannon/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #902 from idlewan/nimrod_nawak Merge pull request #887 from sergeyzavadski/master Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/CJ-Jackson/FrameworkBenchmarks into 835 Fix syntax error in setup.py Merge branch '835' Add stats and benchmark resume to toolset Minor typo fix Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #904 from idlewan/redis Update index.php Add more detailed logging to framework-test.py Minor bug fix Add more detail to fortune test fails Minor bug fixes Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Update benchmarker.py Update issues with the verification stage Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Make empty response validation errors more clear Fix minor typo Merge pull request #935 from luizmineo/master Merge pull request #940 from stefanocasazza/master Update benchmark_config Improve fortune differ Fix minor bugs Fix minor bug and merge conflict Merge branch '939' Add whitespace to make logs consistent and test travis Update README.md Update framework_test.py Add travis key Validation fix Update README.md [disable ci] Update default install strategy [skip ci] Fix minor bug with exception handling in validation Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Fix minor bugs with installer (mongodb should work properly now) Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Fix fortune HTML parser validating on empty response Add strategy to kill misbehaving processes Add code to ENSURE plack gets properly killed. Merge branch 'master' into scorched_earth Merge pull request #1133 from TechEmpower/scorched_earth Fix minor bugs Merge pull request #1136 from TechEmpower/scorched_earth Fix minor bug preventing some frameworks from starting Fix minor bug with arguments Minor fixes with installs and reduction of verbosity with python Merge pull request #1157 from TechEmpower/rvmFix Merge pull request #1154 from TechEmpower/FixRunTests Merge pull request #1155 from TechEmpower/1010 Fix travis breakage Fix minor bug Fix some issues Merge pull request #1161 from TechEmpower/fix-run-tests Fixes installing the database on top of a previously installed machine. MongoDB would error out if it had already been installed Does the same for mysql. Fix spring warnings on ?querys=foo etc Fix postgres like mysql and mongo Reduce verbosity of python and mono Add output every 100 lines to install scripts GCC logs errors in stderr, let's pipe to stdout. Quiet down apt-get a little Log installation files Fix sbt and database issues with scruffy Add hamiltont's suggestions Fix minor bug in the installation process for stream causing it to fail on travis Revert hamiltont's suggestions Begin preparing the vagrant files for the meganuke branch Anders Johnsen (5): Update server.dart and pubspec to Dart 1.0. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into dart-fix Use ServerSocketReference to scale to the number of cores. Update README.md file. Remove last nginx references. Aoyama Kazuharu (8): Updated to TreeFrog version 1.7.4 Updated to TreeFrog Framework v1.7.5. Modified to use Prepared Statement, and add setup file for a benchmark of 'thread' MPM. import a setup file for the treefrog-thread test. Fix a bug of incorrect response bodies for 'query' request with values of '0', 'foo', and '501' Fix a bug of missing the additional row added at run-time. Sets the maximum connections of postgresql to 2000. Updated to TreeFrog Framework v1.7.7 for treefrog.sh Arnaud Kleinpeter (4): Comply to spec on queries number for test type 3 Queries number set between 1 and 500 Fix dbAction single world for type 1 Fix dbAction single world type 1 symfony-stripped Ben Browning (8): Bump JRuby to 1.7.8 and switch from Warbler/Resin to TorqBox TorqBox shouldn't bind to localhost and forgot to import 'os' in setup_jruby.py Fix the Sinatra tests to more closely resemble production settings Bump TorqBox from 0.1.2 to 0.1.4 Fix Sinatra validation errors Upgrade to TorqBox 0.1.7 Validate queries param between 1 and 500 for Sinatra tests Separate /db and /queries logic to fix Sinatra validation errors Ben Hale (1): Simplified boot application Brian Clozel (14): Update Spring sample application Rollback to a more optimal Spring Boot application Fix benchmark config and customize tomcat config Fix database configuration for existing DB ThreadLocalRandom is included in JDK7 disable some filters upgrade Tomcat to 8.0.0-RC10 Upgrade dependencies and fix benchmark setup Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.0.0.RC4 Fix and comment Tomcat configuration Updates for round 10 Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.2.0.RELEASE Upgrade to Spring Boot 1.2.1 Add Undertow Customizer Brian Hauer (14): Merge pull request #473 from fernandoacorreia/toolset-fixes Simplified try blocks Corrected webserver "None" attribute. Tweaks to metadata for Servlet on Jetty Minor correction to Ur/Web metadata Lowercased the display name as well. Added leading underscore to identity columns Added link to kpacha's setup builder tool Adjusting some names to align with pre-existing attribute options Framework names are lowercase for us. Make sure the id is between 1 and 10000 Revised classification to fullstack. Merge pull request #912 from marko-asplund/ma-bug-fixes Some minor edits Brittany Mazza (53): Replace py setup with sh setup play2-scala Refactor change directory order Replace py setup with sh setup play2 scala slick Replace py setup with sh setup play2 scala anorm Remove common py setup, unnecessary Update max yesod-core to 1.4.6, Clear sandbox dependencies Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into fix-yesod-tests Update PHP Laravel to 4.2 with warn/pass tests Update versions in readme Update seds Remove unused root path Add composer.lock, Remove from .gitignore Fix sed, wrong path Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into update-php-laravel-to-4.2 Attempt fix php-fpm route for Travis Remove unused export Remove clearing of sandbox, attempt to fix travis test Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into fix-yesod-tests Remove bash_profile Fix bin to bins path Revert "Fix bin to bins path" sbin in path Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into fix-yesod-tests Move haskell path to setup Merge branch 'fix-yesod-tests' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into fix-yesod-tests Remove curly braces for php-fpm Remove php-silica micro-framework from tests Add seds for nginx whoops fix seds Add sed for grape's nginx configuration Start trinidad in background Turn off 'beautiful' column names Source at /home/travis/ for rvm when in Travis Pass Ruby tests on Travis, except rbx tests Add missing space Sed /usr/local/ for padrino unicorn Add vendor/bundle path for ruby bundle install Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Remove running pid if present Refactor play-scala-mongodb to play2-scala-mongodb and update setup Move play2-scala-mongo db to under play2-scala directory Update play-scala-mongodb to play2-scala-mongodb for testing in Travis Revert "Update play-scala-mongodb to play2-scala-mongodb for testing in Travis" Remove play2-scala-mongodb from travis, covered by play2-scala Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/LadyMozzarella/FrameworkBenchmarks into play2-java-remove-running-pid Fix play2 scala mongodb test display name typo Christian Knuth (7): update "updateraw" test switch to json serializer simplify DB initialization enable CACHE for SQL schema caching add setup file update readme Update setup.py Christopher Jackson (1): Added Gorail to Benchmark! Christopher Vogt (1): Upgrade to Slick 2 and compiled queries Cody Lerum (7): remove unused imports and var flag for single and multiple db queries to provide the correct response type restore the reading of the old random number in mongo update test Initial EE7 Wildfly Framework update to wildfly 8.1.0.Final update to wildfly 8.2 update wildfly mysql driver name Dave Syer (1): Spring updates David Moreno (9): Added plaintext example. Merge remote-tracking branch 'techem/master' Fixes to makefile to compile on F19. Fixed mime type as returned by plaintext test. Fixed limits for db test [1,500]. Fixes to fortune test. Added missing runtime fortune. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:davidmoreno/FrameworkBenchmarks Fixed but at fortunes test. Fixes to query test. Added missing colon. Dmitri Sotnikov (5): added the plain text benchmark removed markdown-clj dependency Update project.clj Update handler.clj Update project.clj Dobroslaw Zybort (2): Update: Go from v1.2 to v1.3 update: Go language from 1.3 to 1.4.2 Donovan Muller (18): Upgraded to 2.3.3. Adjusted as per e9341fe Moved play-java-jpa to play2-java/play2-java-jpa Removed reference to play-java-jpa Renamed project after move to new directory structure Merge https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Fix Play 2 benchmark_config files to say Full instead of ORM name Updated to Play 2.3.4 Updated to Play 2.3.4 Added the remaining tests. Bumped Play version to 2.3.6. Added HikariCP benchmark config. Updated all benchmarks to Play 2.3.6 and Scala 2.11.4. Updated Ebean benchmarks to include missing tests as well as include HikariCP version. Moved `/plaintext` tests from JPA/Ebean benchmarks to the `play2-java` benchmark as per https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/1149#dis Added BoneCP qualifier as per https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/1149#discussion_r19584629 and changed names accordingly. Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/upstream/master' Fixed project name Update World entities individually. Better, more generic Server header Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Updated /update test in relation to this comment: https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/1166#discussion_r19762334 Removed old unused test Update to latest Play release - 2.3.7 Eduardo Silva (2): Duda I/O: adding Duda I/O framework tests. Duda: delete JSON tree context after format Eric Easley (19): Draft version of all tests Changed formatting Refinements based on suggestions by Adam Chlipala Added benchmarking periphera Added README Fixed README syntax Added executable and fixed syntax errors in config file Added installation of urweb compiler Added test URIs Automated creation of necessary databases Forgot to commit sql files Changed installer to build from Ur/Web tip to fix socket errors Added keep-alive flag and disabled console logging Changed List.mapM to List.app Removed /dev/null redirection Added -q flag to suppress verbose logging Applied patch by Adam Chlipala adding comments and minor refactoring Increased max_pred_locks_per_transaction which fixes transaction problems for Ur/Web Renamed UrWeb directory to urweb Erwan Ameil (22): Added nawak micro-framework Augment the number of workers to take advantage of db slowness Fix fortunes template and id of the added fortune Set Nimrod build script as executable in the installation procedure Nail Mongrel2 version to v1.8.1 Fix mongrel startup Nawak: update to newest version with threads Fix mongrel2 install: update linker cache before compiling Upgrade Nimrod to latest version Nawak: better, cleaner db abstraction Add redis database Nawak: add a redis variant Redis: ensure that it is started before the tests are run Redis: Fix line inserted in fortunes (accidental double quote) Nawak: Fix database hostname substitution for the redis tests Update Nimrod to 0.10.0 Compile Nawak and Jester with nim instead of nimrod Fix dependencies order for jester and nawak Nawak: limit number of workers for Travis Nawak: fix number of workers in the command line Document Nimrod commits and fix 'already installed' condition Fix fortune insertion for redis Fernando Correia (5): Fix reference to moved files Export configuration with quotes Retry commands that involve downloads Avoid '~' in configuration files Retry easy_install Finn Bock (1): avoid an exception in the /db test where the ?queries= arg is missing. generate the right json in both database tests. Frederik Nordahl Jul Sabroe (1): Added /plaintext endpoint for Test 6 Gerard Roche (25): Eliminate symfony-ism in nginx configuration Sync nginx configuration changes Less is more error_log stderr Add Zend Framework 1; similar to the 2.0 version https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/218 :bug: Fix weird zf-tool `create project` produces mangled characters Add Ant script lint checker; be double sure there are no silly syntax errors :lipstick: Remove double space at eof Composer autoload is not useful unless stripping require_once calls from the zf library Add install.sh file based on benchmark_config file Remove invalid spaces Enable the display of PHP errors and exceptions in production The `require_once` is not needed; the autoloader is already loaded Move zend framwork 1 into new frameworks directory Add zend framework 1 functional unit tests Add basic zend framework1 git ignore rules :bugfix: zend framework1 multi queries should default to min/max 1/500 Fixes zend framework 1 https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/874#discussion_r16033682 zend framework 1 setup.py should contain composer dependency Fixes zend framework 1 setup.py cleanup fpm configuration Zend framework 1 setup.py cleanup Add Zend Framework 1 to travis configuration Zend framework 1 setup dev/test db script Fix zend framework 2 db multi queries should default to min/max 1/500 Add bash_profile script Gjero Krsteski (8): speed up error handling slag up routing definition for more speed @techempower #coderwall #pimf #php #framework set the right version of PHP for Composer fix connector for #812 #812 result must be ordered by message instead of ID #812 set fixed ascending sort order slag the sorting by mysql add sotring of fortunes at the controller Greg Hellings (9): Update to PHP 5.5.17 Merge remote-tracking branch 'te/master' into php_5.5.17_upgrade Merge remote-tracking branch 'te/master' into php_5.5.17_upgrade Merge remote-tracking branch 'te/master' into php_5.5.17_upgrade Enable Zend's built-in opcode. Update Cake to use Redis instead of APC # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting Change PHP-kohana over to PDO because of deprecation Update silex-orm to use Redis instead of APC Update symfony2 with Redis instead of APC Greg Wilkins (2): Initial Jetty Implementation removed versions Haley Young (4): Merge pull request #485 from dracony/master Started building out pedestal framework tests. Was never able to run the test due to 404's on the necessary pages, but the initial structure is there Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Revert "Started building out pedestal framework tests. Was never able to run the test due to 404's on the necessary pages, but the initial structure is there" Hamilton Turner (693): Adds a configruation file option that can be overridden by command-line args Improved path handing for config file git ignore command-line flags file Faster test gathering Decides to restart/not restart databases depending on test type Set CPU governor properly on linux benchmarks Cleaner syntax for code describing program flags Ensure governor is set even with many cores Move installation to bash Adding install.sh files based on benchmark_config files Added zeromq as dependency of mongrel2 Added comments on how to use static cache when developing Declaring /bin/bash where appropriate Error handling for installation Corrects ERR trap Apply ERR fix to all dependency installer files Fixes #914 - cloc is a prerequisite Fixing obvious fw_depends errors in install.sh files Adding missing dependencies Fix ERR syntax for prerequisites Create FWROOT and ensure consistent ENV Enable framework-specific install directories and environment Generalize framework-specific install directories Use FWROOT in bash_functions for cleaner output Minor improvements Fixing minor issues Fixing dotfile backup in prerequisites install Update php.sh Make IROOT available during test execution Use FWROOT to improve bash ERR printing and installation files Setup environment for activeweb test Prettify prerequisite installation Move pertest installation directories under FWROOT/installs/pertest/ Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into environ Ensuring global profile is used if test-specific profile is not present Adding logging to framework_test Finish fixing bash_profile loading Cleaned up code Preserve TFB_ variables when replacing environment Do not allow sourced profiles to override preexisting TFB_ variables Adding some documentation Propagate non-zero from __run_tests to run If mode==verify, return non-zero if any verifications fail Merge in finished Travis-CI YAML file and run-ci.py script Exit with return value from benchmarker.run() Mark run-ci.py as executable Remove --log parameter (oops!) Fixing os.remove errors Actually fixing the os.remove error... Fix directory issue with multiple fw_depends Install nawak one subdirectory down, not two Handle __run_test exit code on both linux and windows Merge branch 'master' into travis-hotfix Merge branch 'master' into travis-hotfix Let wicket locate resin Fix bug in resin installation script Fixing typo that was causing all Fortune tests to fail Fix scalatra and spark tests (see #941) Fix gemini Fix tapestry Fix servlet3-cass run Fix compojure Fix liminus Fix ninja-resin Fix grails Fix servlet Ensure py* installer scripts can find configuration files Ensure yaf installer can find configuration files Fix bottle test Fix tornado Wait for test_process if we have to manually terminate it Print err.txt and out.txt when running inside Travis-CI Merge branch 'master' into travis-hotfix Trigger travis build for new FW dart-redstone Trigger travis build for new FW ULib. Minor changes to ULib Trigger travis build for entire project Fix silly travis command line version check Stop catching SystemExit from subprocesses Fix bug in master: All JSON verifications started failing Ensure TROOT, IROOT, FWROOT variables available to bash_profile, start, stop Clean up ULib framework Fixed typo in run-ci.py Removed extra commenting in ULib Trigger full Travis build Adding Header utility class Removing typos Replace header utility class with utility function Updated run-ci.py to handle Pull Requests Remove code coverage analysis from Travis-CI Address travis' "empty commit range" bug for pull requests Only install travis CLI if *not* testing a pull request Update toolset/ README file Print commit range from run-ci.py, not .travis.yml Try out travis' IRC notifications Decreasing verbosity of fw_untar Ensure mono uses fw_untar Update Travis IRC notification format Ensure run-ci.py chooses a linux-compatible test Remove aspnet-stripped from Travis (no linux-compatible tests) Merge pull request #952 from hamiltont/travis-pr Properly expose TROOT to setup.py files Make cake work outside ~/FrameworkBenchmarks Improve run-ci's change detection Improve run-ci's change detection (again) Remove HttpListener from Travis jobs Fix CakePHP's json Move cake framework to cakephp Update cakephp files with new directory Merge branch hamiltont/cakephp-patch Ensure Travis has database support for the selected test Merge remote-tracking branch 'cake/cake-fortune-fix' into cake Merge pull request #963 from hamiltont/cake-682 Update run-ci to reflect that Travis can run tests that require no database Prefer automatic verification on tests with a database Merge branch 'header' from hamiltont/FrameworkBenchmarks Create static gather_tests utility method Update run-ci to use static method Replace benchmarker's gather_tests with static method Fix installation bug, replace gather_tests with static call Merge pull request #969 from hamiltont/refactor_gather_tests Enable PostgreSQL in Travis setup Trigger dart build Correct directories in travis.yml Tell run-ci that Travis can run postgres tests Move postgres stuff before installation in case install.sh files need it Stop dart from sending SIGTERM to run-ci.py Take a peek at how travis works internally Cleanup .travis.yml Apply minor fixes to all dart-* tests Clarify toolset warning about bash_profile.sh Merge pull request #971 from hamiltont/postgresql Merge remote-tracking branch 'dart/master' into dart-950 Merge pull request #972 from hamiltont/dart-950 Include link to log results Improve mono install script slightly Add install-only argument Use --install-only inside run-ci Merge pull request #974 from hamiltont/travis-install-folding Refactor run-ci.py Move Travis-CI setup inside run-ci so it can be skipped if unneeded Merge pull request #975 from hamiltont/travis-speedup-pr Fix minor bugs in run-ci Move run-ci's cache to filesystem Remove jobcleaner Merge pull request #976 from hamiltont/travis-remove-jobcleaner Change run-ci.py arguments slightly Enable MongoDB 2.6 on Travis-CI Update mojolicious environment shell scripts Update MongoDB to 2.6 (latest) Delay so mongo can fully start Better approach to waiting for Mongo Merge pull request #967 from hamiltont/mojo Speedup travis-ci for pull requests Fixing minor bug in run-ci Merge remote-tracking branch 'duda/duda_light' into duda-946 Replace raw dudac files with download Give duda a clean environment, and update setup.py to use it Declare duda directory as a python module Enter duda into the automated verification system Fix path bug in installer Declare database type for duda Merge pull request #981 from hamiltont/duda-946 Fix typo in installer Workaround for travis-ci#2655 Merge pull request #933 from jberger/mojolicious Merge pull request #934 from methane/gin Improve detection of changed files inside Travis-CI Use parent of first PR commit instead of first PR commit Merge pull request #985 from hamiltont/travis-git-fix Indicate that kelp using nginx Remove kelp dependency on running code from ~/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #987 from methane/travis-cache Update nginx user for kelp Merge pull request #986 from jberger/perl Merge pull request #994 from jberger/perl Declare gin directory can be imported as python module Merge pull request #990 from methane/run-all-test-in-directory Improve changed file detection Use git log to look at commit changes Merge pull request #997 from hamiltont/travis-changes-hotfix Merge pull request #814 from martin-g/wicket-plain-jdbc Merge pull request #1000 from kazu-yamamoto/wai-3.0-ghc-7.8 Update main readme More main read me updates One more update.. Merge pull request #1004 from hamiltont/docs Improve Travis-ci change detection Make fw_untar and fw_unzip clean up the compressed files Add warning comments to run-ci.py Fix wt Remove manually adding TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE Substantial changes to how travis-ci detects what files have been modified Add debugging, handle empty commit range Fix syntax errors, better debugging Handle travis not passing commit range on PRs Remove IRC notifications from travis-ci Improve Travis-CI log output Return fail if we saw any kind of exception inside travis One last comment Merge pull request #1006 from hamiltont/toolset-updates Always run setup.py inside TROOT directory Run setup.py in folder containing TROOT Move mojo into perl directory Find tests in new and old directory structure Ensure install.sh is called with proper working directory Properly import setup.py files from new directory structure Use absolute paths for TROOT and IROOT Adds more logging to toolset/ Update run-ci to use new directory structure Minor fixes Minor change... Merge pull request #984 from methane/python-pertest-requirements Merge branch 'master' into toolset-fix-448 Move all python frameworks Move php frameworks into new directory Move cakephp Moved C++ frameworks Moved C frameworks Rename c++ to C++ Moved C# frameworks Move Clojure frameworks Moving Dart frameworks Move httplistener Moved Erlang frameworks Moved go frameworks Moved groovy frameworks Moved Haskell frameworks Moving Java frameworks Moving JavaScript frameworks Moving Lua frameworks Moved Nimrod frameworks Moving Perl frameworks Naming Perl properly Moving some more php name php properly Moved Racket frameworks Moving Ruby frameworks Moving Scala frameworks Moving Ur frameworks Moving remaining frameworks Merge pull request #883 from richdougherty/play-split-and-play-2.3 Decrease debug level for module imports Ensure cakephp can find the PHP configuration Ensure curacao can find sbt Add __init__ files to a number of tests Update dancer's nginx.conf to find new test root Point evhttp-sharp to it's app directory properly Install PHP and extensions in prefix folder Fix cakephp PATH handling Upload large changesets instead of printing to console Enable lift-stateless to find sbt Enable spray to find sbt Merge branch 'master' of TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into toolset-fix-448 Upload large changesets instead of printing to console Cleanup play2 folders Print some output if start takes a very long time Addressing behavior when git log fails in travis Name python properly Naming go properly Help finagle find sbt Help gemini find root directory Enable onion to find it's installation directory Help place find it's TROOT Remove minor errors in onion Point web-simple to TROOT Minor updates to reflect moving yaf and phalcon into php install Merge branch 'master' into toolset-fix-448 Merge pull request #1015 from hamiltont/toolset-fix-448 Better support for new directory structure Update yaml to better reflect new directory structure Remove TESTDIRs that will always error Ensure new changes properly cancel unneeded tests Merge branch 'master' into wt-1007 Merge pull request #1018 from naturalist/patch-4 Move wt's bash_profile into location Use apt for wt instead of build from source Merge branch 'wt-fixes' of https://github.com/RockinRoel/FrameworkBenchmarks into wt-1007 Move bash_profile improvements into new directory structure Merge branch 'master' into wt-1007 Merge pull request #1009 from hamiltont/wt-1007 Merge pull request #1020 from methane/fix-pyramid Merge pull request #1021 from hamiltont/travis-refactor-yaml Merge pull request #1019 from jberger/carton Improve HHVM Add basic read me to php Flip HHVM installation order Cleanup basic PHP Cleanup codeigniter cleanup php-fatfree Cleanup php-fuel Cleanup php-kohana Cleanup php-laravel Cleanup php-lithium Cleanup php-micromvc Cleanup php-phalcon HHVM typo Cleanup phalcon Cleanup php-phpixie Cleanup php-pimf Cleanup php-senthot Cleanup php-silex Add PHP Composer to multiple frameworks Cleanup php-silex-orm Cleanup php-silica Cleanup php-slim Cleanup php-symfony2 Cleanup php-symfony2 Cleanup php-yaf Cleanup php-yii2 Cleanup php-zend-framework Cleanup phreeze Update php readme Merge pull request #1027 from hamiltont/php Merge pull request #1024 from richdougherty/rm-play-java-and-scala Kelp kelp find nginx Manually introduce changes from @naturalist Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/naturalist/FrameworkBenchmarks into kelp-1011 Merge pull request #1022 from hamiltont/kelp-1011 Merge pull request #1025 from richdougherty/refactor-play2-config Attempt to fix #989 Merge pull request #1031 from methane/patch-1 Update travis documentation Escape directory name Merge pull request #800 from raphaelbauer/master Merge pull request #1034 from hamiltont/travis-docs-2 Merge pull request #1037 from hamiltont/travis-1036 Update RVM installation, fix rails Give processes a moment to shut down Cleanup rack Cleanup rails-stripped Cleanup sinatra Merge pull request #1041 from hamiltont/ruby-1001 Typo when merging Merge pull request #1042 from hamiltont/ruby-1001 Remove JRuby and Ruby in favor of RVM Fixing merge mistake Merge pull request #1032 from lneves/master Merge pull request #1033 from hamiltont/travis-989 Merge pull request #1039 from rjnienaber/grape_framework Move lapis.sh to lua.sh Cleanup leda Undo "install-all-lua" Cleanup openresty Merge pull request #1045 from hamiltont/lapis-949 Indicate ringojs frameworks require Java Update ringojs installer Fix typos in benchmark_config files Merge pull request #1046 from hamiltont/js-cleanup Modify results.json to replace warning array with verify array Print verification summary Add colored output Add file for global python requirements Deal with Travis-CI's odd color handling Also print verification summary at end of Travis-CI run Merge pull request #1043 from methane/python-venv Merge pull request #1035 from achlipala/master Merge pull request #1049 from hamiltont/toolset-423 Minor bugfix Merge pull request #1040 from rjnienaber/rack_update Merge pull request #1053 from jberger/perl Merge pull request #1055 from rjnienaber/sinatra_update Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/F3Community/FrameworkBenchmarks into php-1054 Merge pull request #1056 from hamiltont/php-1054 Merge pull request #1057 from F3Community/master Merge pull request #1058 from rjnienaber/rails_update Merge pull request #1059 from rjnienaber/padrino fix bash errors on rvm install Merge pull request #1063 from hamiltont/hotfix-rvm Merge pull request #1066 from achlipala/master Merge pull request #1061 from richdougherty/play2-misc Merge pull request #1062 from donovanmuller/master Remove GUI, run bootstrap as vagrant user instead of root Comment and cleanup vagrantfile Update Vagrantfile to work with master Cleanup database install scripts Add developer mode Build custom MOTD Use Ubuntu14.04 box instead of 12.04 Generalize bootstrap script so it's not dependent on the user account Add support for AWS provider Print warning if host OS cannot run our VM Add basic support for 32-bit VM Remove dev parameter and always use local clone Update vagrant-specific README Minor README updates Add multi host support Amazon multi-host support & amazon network setup script Cleanup multi bootstrap script Tons of README updates Refactor Vagrantfiles to use external Ruby scripts Commit everything so I can move folders easily Reorganize directory structure Print verification summary regardless of mode Rename/move more into the vagrant-common folder replace mode with role Update vagrant files to use core Ensure replacing environment does not crash toolset if there are bash errors Change directory structure Deployment read me update More read me updates Minor modifications to bootstrap Never send sensitive parameters to the guest OS Set better env variables for development Add progress bar to framework Fix typo Minor improvements Merge pull request #1051 from hamiltont/vagrant-setup Deployment: Add support for setting virtual box cpu count Ruby: Indicate sinatra needs maven (for compiling jruby) Main README updates Merge pull request #1068 from achlipala/master Update include path, and install postgres developer libraries Delete library files from TFB project Remove binary files from TFB project Update makefile and run to remove dependence on static folder location Minor typo Merge pull request #1093 from ronnix/fix-vagrant-deployment Vagrant: Add some tips for rapid use Merge pull request #1087 from greg-hellings/php_5.5.17_upgrade Merge pull request #1082 from marko-asplund/servlet3-cass Merge pull request #1071 from hamiltont/cpoll-fix Merge pull request #1072 from rjnienaber/rubinius_vm Merge pull request #1075 from achlipala/master Merge pull request #1074 from monkey/duda Merge pull request #1080 from marko-asplund/issue-1048 Merge pull request #1028 from roman-tsiupa-sociomantic/patch-1 Let FrameworkTest catch Exception from setup.py files Don't ignore the return code Merge pull request #1077 from donovanmuller/master Clarify install directions Move bash scripts out of installer.py Remove unused functions Make json human readable Include framework as variable of FrameworkTest Print bash commands for installer files Fix commit counting Makes counting commits work again Fixes counting lines of code Remove unused benchmarker functions Fix typo in vagrant setup scripts Allow virtual box to run TFB using 12.04 Enable Redis on Ubuntu 12.04 Minor improvements to database install script Enable redis on 12.04 Enable postgres 9.3 on Ubuntu 12.04 Fix Travis PR diffing Minor cpoll cleanups Cleanup compojure Cleanup run-ci's database setup scripts Clarify shebang behavior in bash installer scripts Update httpkit dependencies Merge pull request #1115 from hamiltont/bash-1112 Fix some aspnet validation errors Move mono into prefix folder, check folder contents Prefer troot to fwroot for aspnet asp net requires nginx to be installed Improve mono installation asp net requires xsp Help aspnet find xsp installation Add xsp installation inside mono installation Help XSP find Mono installation run build in src Try out some ideas from @pdonald Install mozroot multiple ways to see if this works... Merge pull request #1109 from hamiltont/handle-setup-exceptions Merge pull request #1121 from hamiltont/httpkit-1120 Load mozroots for sudo properly Let FrameworkTest handle exceptions Let Mono access NuGet Fix fastcgi-mono-server4 command asp net was not finding MySQL entity Cleanup aspnet Update servicestack to be similar to aspnet Apply asp net fixes to nancy Update evhttp-sharp with mono fixes Add vagrant tip Adding bash_profile to nancy Merge pull request #968 from hamiltont/aspnet Toolset: Fix typo in database setup scripts Merge pull request #1098 from marko-asplund/master Create StoreSeqAction for argument lists Replace concurrency and query arguments with single list argument Cleanup list argument, allow sequences inside of other lists Indent stats.json fix defaults Print config options better Merge pull request #1111 from lpereira/master Update benchmark.cfg.example with new flag lists Merge pull request #1125 from luizmineo/master Merge pull request #1116 from hamiltont/travis-fix-pr-diff Drop support for skip key, it's deprecated by --include and --exclude Minor Travis-CI patch Complain when an attribute is not found Cleanup parsing FrameworkTest from benchmark_config file Turn Benchmarker.type into a list of test types Update FrameworkTest.runTests Ensure a minimum set of keys is present in the benchmark_config DO NOT MERGE (Comment out until #557 is resolved) Add initial FrameworkTestType classes Map test type strings to FrameworkTestType objects Remove deprecated contains_type method Fix requires_db Move JSON validation into specific type Fix bug in header Replace test description with URL Create method to verify single type Moved accept header choice to FrameworkTestType Move URL selection to FrameworkTestType Cleanup prerequisites Create function to benchmark one test type Move JsonTestType into separate file Minor improvements to LOC counting Fix typo in imports Create PlaintextTestType Add DBTestType Add FrameworkTestTypes for DB, Query, Update Add FortuneTestType Minor changes Minor changes Remove unnecessary code from FrameworkTest Further deletion and cleanup Equality typo Minor tweaking Inform user before accessing URL for testing Reduce failure to warning if query returns single object Let's not curse in public now Merge pull request #1129 from hamiltont/type-refactor Merge branch 'master' into listargs-1123 Merge pull request #1126 from hamiltont/listargs-1123 Fix typo Merge pull request #1130 from luizmineo/master Fix plaintext default settings, open raw output file before using Fix naming broken by merge Don't forget import Don't overwrite incoming parameters Recover ports when test is starting too Improve debug printing of all ports over 6000 Collect out,err from calls to subprocess Fix bug with checking if process is still alive Better log formatting Merge pull request #874 from gerardroche/zend-framework-1 Merge pull request #1148 from gerardroche/zf2-fix-db-multi Clarify plaintext length warning Don't search IPv6 lines Add back support for args.max_threads Fixing bug where verification uses invalid json objects Cleaning up curl verification output Downgrade some of the new checks to warnings Print summary of response Downgrade query failing to parse foo Recursively kill child processes Use sudo kill instead of os.kill Use properly typed variables Merge pull request #1145 from hamiltont/hotfix-1 Tell bootstrap script who runner-user is Remove prior vendor folder Move PHP's composer to proper directory Update config to remove spurious warnings install composer.par directly under IROOT add version argument to PHP installation Fix yii2 dependency installation Lock php-yii2 assets to a known-good state Update PHP read to explain composer usage Update PHP-yii2 installation Fix typo Move Yii2 into properly-named directory Merge pull request #1274 from hamiltont/fix-php-yii2 Remove phreeze library source code from repository Download phreeze using composer Remove lithium source code from our repository download lithium with composer Move to lithium from php-lithium Forgot to use composer in install.sh Remove bash_profiles Merge pull request #1275 from hamiltont/fix-php-lithium Reduce apt verbosity slightly Fix travis postgres setup by removing 9.1 Stop using example configuration in travis Tuning verbosity Removes unused import of all folders as packages Remove bash_profile warnings, ensure installs/ is owned by testrunner Removed kohana core source code Removed unused vendor folder with source code Remove kohana-database source code Download kohana using composer Cleaning up PHP installation Remove kohana bash profile Fix PHP phalcon install and quiet PHP installation Quiet Nginx installation Cleanup fw_get progress Merge pull request #1278 from hamiltont/fix-kohana Renamed php-kohana to kohana Merge branch 'fix-kohana' Warn if there is no default test Cleanup HHVM benchmark_config Define default for HHVM Remove framework source code Download framework dynamically using composer Remove bash profile Move php-codeigniter to codeigniter Merge pull request #1280 from hamiltont/fix-codeigniter Reduce wget verbosity Let cake locate nginx files and connect to database Remove old Vendor source code directory Download Cake 2.4.5 using Composer Remove cake source code Upgrade CakePHP to latest release - 2.5.7 Merge pull request #1281 from hamiltont/fix-cakephp Merge branch 'master' into fix-travis Merge pull request #1276 from hamiltont/fix-travis Use variables for replacement Replace python setup with bash setup Download ActiveRecord ORM from composer Remove ActiveRecord ORM source code Move to port 8080 from port 80 Replace python setup with bash setup Update ActiveRecord ORM version used Merge pull request #1285 from hamiltont/fix-php Stop treating frameworks as python modules improve setup scripts Remove fuel core library source code Remove fuel package source code - auth and email Remove more fuel package source more source removal more source removal Install fuel core and packages using composer Rename php-fuel to fuel Merge pull request #1286 from hamiltont/fix-php-fuel Fail if a requested test is not found Merge pull request #1279 from hamiltont/check-for-default Handle edge case '' inside of gather_tests Merge pull request #1263 from methane/python-update Lock composer installation, and avoid warming the cache twice Remove APC cache (php 5.5 included Zend cache already) Remove generated file Remove useless cache folder Ignore generated file Update PHP readme Enable PHP display errors in travis-CI Print progress dots for travis-ci downloads Include mailmap in repo Remove generated file Typo preventing nginx from finding root Disable non-existant APC cache and non-recommended Redis cache Minor Upgrade composer installation Explicitly enable twig for fortunes Improve fortune parsing Resolve two fortune errors Minor stuff Remove bash profile Fix bugs in fortune test Another verification bug Ensure fortune diff displays all differences Rename symfony folders Cleanup express installation scripts Upgrade npm to avoid bug Ensure setup output is copy/pastable Drop Senthot PHP Framework Merge pull request #1284 from hamiltont/fix-senthot Merge pull request #1294 from hamiltont/fix-express Merge pull request #1293 from hamiltont/fix-symfony2 Fix hapi and nodejs Merge pull request #1296 from hamiltont/fix-javascript Merge pull request #1332 from Eyepea/api_hour_release_fix Update apt on client computer Retry limit for starting Mongo and Cassandra Make Cassandra default to one-node cluster and simplify database.sh Add retry limit for mongo and cassandra inside travis-CI Typo in Cassandra config Merge branch 'update-lwan' of https://github.com/lpereira/FrameworkBenchmarks into lpereira-update-lwan2 Merge pull request #1230 from zloster/postgresql-jdbc-bump Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/reduce-python-csharp-install-verbosity' into reduce-python-csharp-install-verbosity Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Create testrunner home folder inside vagrant Revert "Add retry limit for mongo and cassandra inside travis-CI" Add retry limit for mongo and cassandra inside travis-CI Merge pull request #1196 from jberger/mojo_ev Merge pull request #1328 from raphaelbauer/master Merge pull request #1340 from lhotari/grails-2.4.4-upgrade Merge pull request #1356 from marko-asplund/master Merge pull request #1348 from lpereira/lwan-pipeline Merge pull request #1350 from codylerum/wildfly-8.2 Merge pull request #1308 from ericbn/master Merge pull request #1349 from lneves/master Merge pull request #1359 from marko-asplund/servlet3-cass-fixes Merge pull request #1357 from marko-asplund/feature/issue-1103 Perl: Fix mojolicious metadata Merge pull request #1375 from lpereira/update-lwan-readme Merge pull request #1358 from zloster/postgresql-jdbc-bump Merge pull request #1386 from markkolich/curacao Merge pull request #1351 from stefanocasazza/master Merge pull request #1378 from methane/stop-uwsgi-daemon INADA Naoki (101): Update Python related packages. Modify backlog limit django: Fix template directory setting. Use lowercase table name. tornado: Reconfigure benchmark_config and setup. flask: Update benchmark_config bottle: Update benchmark_config tornado: Fix display name for Tornado-Py3 falcon: Refactoring. refactor Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into python-r8 Fix tornado doesn't shutdown. tornado: Fix setup scripts. wsgi: Fix stop() django: Update benchmark_config wsgi: Update benchmark_config Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into python-r8 django-py3: fix can't connect db. django: Fix update test result format. flask: Fix response format. revert somaxconn. tornado: Use finish() for asynchronous handler. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into python-r8 Use motor.Op instead of gen.Task Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into python-r8 gevent 1.0rc3 => 1.0 tornado: _id => id remove unused import Python update gevent 1.0.1 Support Motor 0.2 meinheld==0.5.6 Refactor Python installation. Python 3.4.1 PyPy 2.3.1 and CPython 2.7.7 Merge branch 'master' into python-r10 Python3: Fix install error. Update libraries. Python: motor 0.3 pypy: Don't install gevent. mono: Install from tarball. Set timeout = concurrency. Fix echo message. Merge branch 'master' into python-r10 Add momoko to requirements. Use 3.2.8 insetead of 3.4.0 tornado: Fix import error on PyPy Merge branch 'master' into python-r10 --without-profile2 may break build. innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 flask-raw: Disalbe transaction management. flask-raw: Fix connection leak. falcon-pypy: Fix installing falcon. Fix results.json only contains result of last test. Fix old Python syntax. wsgi: Gunicorn => Chaussette wsgi: reduce processes. flask: json: 5k => 7k req/sec Add circus to requirements. Add missing file. flask: Update benchmark_config flask-py3: Remove gunicorn. flask-pypy: Remove gunicorn. Add missing file. mv Revert "flask-pypy: Remove gunicorn." Remove server-tornado. Remove "gunicorn" from benchmark_config Disable meinheld accesslog with post_fork(). bottle: Fix benchmark_config Downgrade gunicorn for tornado worker Gunicorn+Tornado is for PyPy. Py2/Py3 can use Gunicron 19.0. falcon: Disable access log in meinheld. Fix hardcoded db host. Refactoring bottle and nginx_uwsgi Update benchmark_profile refactoring. Delete miscommitted file. Fix broken link in README.md installer: unter() allows .tar.bz2 and .tar.xz Add gin framework. Add gin to TESTDIR Fix parsing queries. Move "go get" from setup.py to install.sh Remove unused type. Fix template Use Travis cache. Run all tests in directory. Fix printing err.txt and out.txt Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into run-all-test-in-directory Fix log info Split requirements.txt per test. Fix typo Fix pyramid install Preserve TRAVIS and TRAVIS_* environment variables python: Use virtualenv to isolate tests. Remove time.sleep(3) Python 3.4 installs pip automatically Update Python 2 and PyPy Fix uwsgi errorlog is written to `--ini` file. uwsgi: Stop using -d option Igor Polevoy (1): switched to using JavaLite Templator James Yen (72): Merge branch 'weber-framework' of https://github.com/0xAX/FrameworkBenchmarks into 649 649 Added Weber and Elixir Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gglamenace/FrameworkBenchmarks into 690 690 deleted superfluous nginx directive in conf Merge branch '690' 727 added charset parameter Merge branch '727' Merge pull request #776 from avaly/727-hapi-mysql-validation Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lhotari/FrameworkBenchmarks into 806 806 edited benchmark_profile Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'tornado-postgres' of https://github.com/maticz/FrameworkBenchmarks into 671 827 issue resolved Merge branch '726-express-mysql-validation' of https://github.com/avaly/FrameworkBenchmarks into 777 777 added charset parameter Merge branch '777' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/yogthos/FrameworkBenchmarks into 848 Merge branch 'slick2-upgrade' of https://github.com/cvogt/FrameworkBenchmarks into 824 Changed libboost from 1.48 to 1.54. Ensuring that .rvm exists and is sourced. Modified the test in the benchmark_profile. Revert "Merge branch 'tornado-postgres' of https://github.com/maticz/FrameworkBenchmarks into 671" 861 removed open_sync Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/zdwiz/FrameworkBenchmarks into 765 765, fixed sorting function. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'ee7-wildfly' of https://github.com/codylerum/FrameworkBenchmarks into 795 795 setup.py had directory backwards Merge branch '795' Merge branch 'Grails_2.4.2' of http://github.com/lhotari/FrameworkBenchmarks into 884 Merge branch 'mono-tarball' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 873 873 renamed mono folder Merge branch 'flask-no-transaction' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 890 890 passes mysql tests Merge branch 'boot-upgrade' of http://github.com/bclozel/FrameworkBenchmarks into 889 895 all changes work Merge branch '895' Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'tornado-postgres' of https://github.com/maticz/FrameworkBenchmarks into 671"" Merge branch 'revert-pypy-gunicorn' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 896 896 removed tornado option Merge branch '896' Merge branch 'falcon-pypy' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 892 Merge branch 'bottle-remove-accesslog' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 898 898 Merge branch '898' Merge branch 'patch-3' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 924 Merge branch 'patch-2' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 923 Merge branch 'patch-1' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 919 Merge branch 'bottle-fix-dbhostname' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 907 Nginx commands missing sudo Merge branch 'treefrog_v1_7_7-2' of http://github.com/treefrogframework/FrameworkBenchmarks into 922 Merge branch 'db-cassandra' of http://github.com/marko-asplund/FrameworkBenchmarks into 918 Merge branch 'db-cassandra' of http://github.com/marko-asplund/FrameworkBenchmarks into 918 897 Edited the installation script Merge branch 'servlet3-cass' of http://github.com/marko-asplund/FrameworkBenchmarks into 918 918 changed directory name Merge branch 'fix-one-result' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 893 Merge branch 'soft-timeout' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 855 Merge branch 'mysql-fastcommit' of http://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into 886 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/lucassp/FrameworkBenchmarks into 864 Issue 931 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/scruffy-project/FrameworkBenchmarks into 867 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/scruffy-project/FrameworkBenchmarks into 867 867 fixed DB response Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/F3Community/FrameworkBenchmarks into 928 928 tests pass with warnings Update installer.ps1 Update installer.ps1 If OS is windows avoid replace environ. [ci skip] Jamie Furness (4): Updating Dropwizard to 0.7, and adding additional test implementations Removing dropwizard resource timing A bunch of fixes for the installer, including making it idempotent-ish to allow resuming upon failure Fixing check for existing azure vnet Jason Hinkle (4): update phreeze to latest version implement new tests fix DB connection issue fixed warnings and failure of fortunes test per issue #782 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' fix for issue #786 plus minor improvement to Dispatcher Jason T. Greene (1): Make test apples to apples with other framework tests that have started caching the response buffer Joel Berger (36): replace Mojolicious app with a true non-blocking Mojolicious app added /updates route and modified the shared render_query simplify update logic remove unnecessary closure updated dependencies improve setup script to write json config file clean up setup be more careful about the existence of the tx object for fortunes update benchmark_config explicitly use delay's finish callback Merge branch 'master' into mojolicious added Mango to required Perl modules (lost in installer refactoring) tweaks for configuration of mojolicious app collection names are lowercase! Updates for mojolicious framework cleanup perl frameworks installation scripts, see #966 remove hard-coding of paths in perl frameworks Merge remote-tracking branch 'hamiltont/kelp-944' into perl use latest version of perl-build fix nginx on dancer plack and web-simple (hopefully) dancer plack and web-simple depend on nginx being installed fix typo in plack setup added bash_profile.sh for the remaining perl apps Add Carton to perl.sh and use Carton for the Mojolicious app cache the collection handle objects remove unnecessary items from mojolicious README began a rudimentary Perl README.md improve the configuration and performance of the mojolicious app move the hypnotoad workers default to conform with hypnotoad_merge key convert one more helper to the ->helpers optimization a few additions to Perl/README.md ported Mojolicious setup to bash, added app.conf, added stop.sh for symmetry update cpanfile.snapshot less logging during perl build phase added linux ev flags convert the app to postgres Jonathan Channon (1): seperated modules out and updated library versions Jose Diaz-Gonzalez (1): Set db_url to correct endpoint for a single world Joshua Maddux (13): Update the hhvm test to use nginx. Revert back some lines that got automatically replaced Update README.md to reflect changed URLs. Correct a couple of paths that got sed'ed. Remove a commented-out section of the nginx.conf for HHVM. Remove more commented-out lines in HHVM's nginx.conf. Update reactivemongo version to one that supports play 2.2. Fix incorrect results. Add back some __init__.py's that some python tests needed. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into fix-play-scala-mongodb Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Add symlink to ensure pip3 can find a Python installation. Fix random error in the pyramid tests. Juan José Aguililla (8): Add Sabina benchmark Complete test cases Add new tests skeleton Documentation change Add sabina framework to travis configuration Comment unmodified frameworks in Travis configuration Complete tests to fulfill specs and refactor Uncomment frameworks in Travis configuration Julien Schmidt (1): go: remove charset param from driver DSN Karol Bucek (14): update rack to 1.5.2 and explicitly specify if with jruby to make sure same is used update MRI servers and do not auto-require them + put the in a logical (server) group do not auto-require torqbox server and put it in a logical group there seems to be no need to ruby-zip and zip-zip gems readme notes on updated version numbers update the json gem to it's latest update servers for rails and move them into a logical group + cleanup unused gems update rails to the latest of 3.2.x (for now) update ar-jdbc and use a single database.yml for MRI/JRuby + explicitly declare drivers update dependency versions in the (rails) README update servers (and rails) and move them into a logical group + update ar-jdbc update dependency versions in the (rails-stripped) README update to Rails 4.1 (defaults) rails routes the 4.1-way Kazu Yamamoto (1): Using WAI 3.0 or later and GHC 7.8 or later. Keenan Brock (12): inital take on nginx_mruby mruby setup script basic frameworks for mruby renamed framework name to ngx_mruby change setup from python to shell ngx_mruby cleanup move prereqs to proper place Use worker_process auto nginx_mruby: return 1 query for invalid param queries properly document libhiredis add mysql back to ngx_mruby fix github url Keith Newman (1): reimplemented Gemini-Postgres due to Travis error Keith R. Gustafson (16): Add routes for single-query tests, revert special quote escaping Update dependencies to latest versions Merge branch 'verify' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into verify Remove calls to vec that were not needed Revise the template to exclude HTML not needed for fortunes test Add special routes for single-query test with response not in a vector Update dependencies to match updates in compojure test Add special route for single-query test with response not in a vector Update dependencies to match compojure test updates Merge branch 'verify' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into verify Update selmer dependency Set a naming strategy to preserve column name case Make http-kit db test comply with verification Remove query count clamping when hard-coded to 1 query Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Compile fails under compojure 1.1.6. Roll back to 1.1.5. Kelly Sommers (2): Initial commit to include Haywire in the benchmarks. Added formal Techempower plaintext benchmark. Kevin Moore (2): add type annotations to Dart benchmark format dart code Kpacha (24): first implementation of the ninja framework test fixing the persistence config. By default, use the container datasource dao refactor enabling the 'production' mode testing the standalone version with the fat-jar Merge branch 'master' into ninja upgrading to ninja 2.1.0 Merge branch 'master' into ninja fixing the setup.py file: start & stop have the required arguments and all the subprocess calls route the stderr & stdout as required removing the linked folders fixing the ninja-standalone setup fixing the source path removing the linked META-INF folder fixing the config file path fix the test urls adding collections bench controller refactor setup the mongo stuff mongodb test adding the plaintext test removing unfinished test sanitize the queries parameter the 'db' test always returns an object and the 'queries' test, an array fix the mention Lari Hotari (50): Upgrade app to Grails 2.3.0 Exclude /hello & /hello/* urls from sitemesh processing Make OSIV readonly by default Fix setup.py for Grails 2.3.0 Fix problem in mapping, Mysql mapping is case-sensitive use hibernate plugin version Upgrade to Grails 2.3.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT , use @CompileStatic in controller Wrap db reads in read only transaction use Integer id instead of default Long id type Add gitignore file for grails project update STS/eclipse IDE files Optimize MySQL JDBC connection properties Make it easier to profile the app with Yourkit Java Profiler (yjp) update dependencies use statement cache in Tomcat JDBC pool - Mysql JDBC driver causes a lot of SQLExceptions internally which cause a lot of overhead Get rid of unnecessary SQL exceptions thrown in Mysql jdbc driver - enabling holdResultsOpenOverStatementClose helps - see com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement:2265 (5.1.27 version source) Use custom JSON marshaller for World Update tests to latest spec in http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=code implement "Test type 4: Fortunes" Implement "Test type 5: Database updates" configure hibernate batch updates update benchmark_config maxActive = 512 in db pool config do locking to prevent dead locks in updates test update to Grails 2.3.2 Add test urls to README Use same urls for development Prevent dead locks by locking all rows at once Adhere to test type #3 requirement 6 - It is not acceptable to retrieve all required rows using a SELECT ... WHERE id IN (...) clause. Update to Grails 2.3.3 version Don't skip grails benchmark use JSONWriter API for custom JSON marshaller workaround for GRAILS-10823 upgrade to Grails 2.3.6, remove workaround for GRAILS-10823 remove Eclipse IDE files from git Fix issue #658 in "Test type 5: Database updates" of Grails update to Grails 2.4.1 Grails: improved fix to issue #658, remove all transactions update to Grails 2.4.2 Add vagrant configuration for setting up a VM for testing that benchmarks can be run Add static private ip for vagrant box Enable ssh access for private address Execute bootstrap.sh at startup add rewriteBatchedStatements=true to MySQL jdbc driver config update to Grails 2.4.4 add extra "refresh-dependencies" step to setup.sh script remove unneeded patch that was introduced earlier to fix a problem in some older Grails release remove unused imports from HelloController use GrailsCompileStatic for all Grails artefact classes remove bash_profile.sh from Grails benchmark Leandro Pereira (9): Add SQLite as a supported database. Do not raise exception when failing fortune validation. Add Lwan tests. frameworks/C/lwan: Delete checkout directory if not fully installed frameworks/C/lwan: Add MySQL test for Lwan benchmarks as well. Build a newer Lwan. Define a default test for Lwan. Update Lwan to a version that supports request pipelining. Add a FAQ to the Lwan benchmark. Lita Gratrix (32): Updated setup files for codeigniter Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-fatfree Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-fuel Update setup.py to setup.sh for php-kohana fix typo in setup.sh for php-fuel Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-lithium Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-laravel. Was unable to fully test due to an issue using the currently specified version of laravel with php 5.5 (yeild became a reserved work in php 5.5 now conflicting with one of the methods definied in laravel) Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-micromvc Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-phalcon Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-phalcon-micro Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-phpixie. Includes changes to separate cphalcon install from php install create stand alone install for php-phalcon (for use with php-phalcon and php-phalcon-micro) Convert setup.py and setup-raw.py to setup.sh and setup-raw.sh. Confirmed that tests ran but was unable to pass tests as was receiving 404s. Attempts to convert setup.py/setup-raw.py to setup.sh/setup-raw.sh for php-senthot and php-silex. Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-silex-orm Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-silica Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-slim. Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-symfony2 Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-symfony2-stripped. correct typo in setup.sh for php-symfony2-stripped Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-yaf Convert setup.py to setup.sh for php-yii2 Convert setup.py to setup.sh for ZendFramework and ZendFramework1 Convert setup.py to setup.sh for phreeze Merge branch 'meganuke' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into meganuke Fix for express Convert setup.py to setup.sh for plack Convert setup.py to setup.sh for web-simple fix web-simple fix cakephp for json and fortunes Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Lucian Pacurar (22): Update Dart SDK to the latest version. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Updated dependencies and SDK. Updated to the latest Dart SDK version. Updated to the latest Dart SDK. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Updated dependencies. Added Dart SDK dependency lock. Updated SDK to the latest version. Updated dependencies to the latest versions. Possible fix for MongoDB tests. Fix Dart SDK breaking changes. Updated SDK to the latest version. Updated dependencies to the latest versions. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Updated dart-stream. Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Dart Start MongoDB fixes. PostgreSQL connector update. PostgreSQL connector update. PostgreSQL connector update. Replace `pub install` with `pub get`. Replace `pub get` with `pub upgrade` to force upgrading dependencies to the latest version. Update packages inside Dart tests to the latest version. Ludovic Gasc (GMLudo) (32): Ignore Python virtual environments in .gitignore API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: First draft (WIP) API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Migrate HTTP to aiohttp.web API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Add test 5 API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update benchmarks for API-Hour improvements API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update API-Hour Container to handle new config format API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update config files API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Small clean-up API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Change default number of workers API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Implement test 4: Fortunes WIP API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Implement test 4: Fortunes finished Ignore Python virtual environments in .gitignore API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: First draft (WIP) API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Migrate HTTP to aiohttp.web API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Add test 5 API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update benchmarks for API-Hour improvements API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update API-Hour Container to handle new config format API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Update config files API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Small clean-up API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Change default number of workers API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Implement test 4: Fortunes WIP API-Hour FrameworkBenchmark: Implement test 4: Fortunes finished Merge branch 'API-Hour' of github.com:Eyepea/FrameworkBenchmarks into API-Hour Change API-Hour version because 0.6.0 release is broken on PyPI #1394: Increase PostgreSQL max_connections #1394: Increase PostgreSQL max_connections: missing 500 connections Add 'sudo sysctl -w kernel.sem="250 32000 256 256"' for PostgreSQL Unleash the power of PostgreSQL Add explanations about kernel and pgsql parameters + add some other parameters I've found Increase max_clients to handle better 40 CPUs Reduce pgsql socket pool to match 2000 maximum connections Optimize API-Hour Container for PostgreSQL Luis Neves (16): Minor optimization tweaks: Minor tweaks: enable "SO_REUSEADDR" update netty to 4.0.17 Integrate changes made by @normanmaurer: "use proper config for PooledByteBufAllocator" update netty and jackson to the latest versions use the netty way of detecting if epoll is available don't use a sharable handler, prefer the netty FastThreadLocal update the versions in the README use the default settings for the PooledByteBufAllocator whitespace knitting update netty to version 4.0.23 and jackson to version 2.4.2 update netty to version 4.0.25.Final and since we are here update the docs about the latest Jackson release update netty to version 4.0.26.Final-SNAPSHOT log the listening address use the final release instead of the snapshot Luiz Mineo (11): Add Redstone.dart framework Fix benchmark_config; Bump redstone version. Fix: properly handle numeric values from MongoDB documents Updated README.md Fix the update test for PostgreSQL Update dependencies Use ServerSocketReference to scale to the number of cores; Update dependencies. Fix .gitigone Fix setup.py Fix setup.py Fix fortune test for dart-stream and dart-start Magnus Holm (1): Cleanup Nim tests: Marco Pivetta (7): Importing first draft of the ZF2 benchmarker Working version of the benchmarks Adding benchmark host configuration CS fixes - removal of debug settings Sync with latest framework benchmark setup script changes Merge pull request #1 from gerardroche/nginx-fixes Merge pull request #3 from gerardroche/fixes Mark Kolich (17): Adding Curacao to benchmark test suite Fixing broken links in README.md Upgrading sbt-launch.jar to SBT version 0.13.1 (is always backwards compatible with previous SBT versions as declared in build.properties) Testing setup.py, found issues with start and stop, and fixed. Changing log level of framework to ERROR to reduce log spew Removed the 'xsbt-web-plugin' from the tests and integrated SBT assembly to package the benchmark runner into a standalone JAR. Updated setup.py too. Updating source_code file with newly introduced Bootstrap.java Removing stray .sbtrc which isn't needed Cleanup of Bootstrap.java and added 'sbt-assembly' related option to build.sbt to disable the compilation and running of tests at assembly time Up'ing Curcao toolkit version to 2.0-M11 Upgrading branch to use Curacao 2.0-RC3 - Bumping Curacao library version to latest released version, 2.5.3 - Updated sbt-launch.jar to latest SBT version, 0.13.2 Upgrading Curacao to latest v2.6.2 and Jetty to latest 9-stable v9.2.0.v20140526 Tweaking README.md, fixing broken links and correcting library version under test Updating Curacao version under test to 2.6.3 and Jetty 9 container version Updating README.md with reference to the correct Curacao version Upgrading library to Jetty 9.2.9.v20150224 and Curacao 2.9-M1 Marko Asplund (67): add support for Apache Cassandra DB add support for Apache Cassandra DB add Apache Cassandra v2.0.7 standard config configure Cassandra for FrameworkBenchmarks environment upgrade to Cassandra 2.0.7; fix installation path bug add support for Apache Cassandra DB add support for Apache Cassandra DB add Apache Cassandra v2.0.7 standard config configure Cassandra for FrameworkBenchmarks environment upgrade to Cassandra 2.0.7; fix installation path bug Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/db-cassandra' into db-cassandra README + installer assumes tfb user is allowed to run sudo db cassandra: update download url, fix bugs implement a new framework permutation based on Java, Servlet 3 and Apache Cassandra database servlet3-cass: implement test type 5 + refactor servlet3-cass: update "source_code" list servlet3-cass: update README add install.sh required by pull request #900 servlet3-cass: include jstl runtime in WAR; improve error handling servlet3-cass: change install.sh permissions servlet3-cass: update source_code get database host name from TFB_DATABASE_HOST env variable instead of using tfbdata host get database host name from TFB_DATABASE_HOST env variable servlet3-cass: small improvements: shutdown ListeningExecutorService, allow callback registration on MessageDAO.update servlet3-cass: fix database host configuration issue #1048: add installation script for Oracle Java 8 JVM issue #1048: java 8 install: skip confirmation, add comment, add additional symlink travis test Revert "travis test" issue #1048: add README.md file for Java based frameworks, make java 8 install script return 0 servlet3-cass: add missing update_url + fix query_url in benchmark_config change test name remove return statement issue #1048: detect if java8 has already been installed force apt-get to always use distributor versions when distributor has changed package contents disable test executed on CI server to make builds faster set up Cassandra in CI environment force apt-get to always use distributor versions with Cassandra installation when distributor has changed package contents debug CI installation issue try to fix Cassandra DB setup on CI server debug CI installation issue debug CI installation issue debug CI installation issue debug CI installation issue debug CI installation issue try to fix Cassandra DB setup on CI server disable failing tests in CI build debug CI installation issue fix syntax error try to fix Cassandra DB setup on CI server align C* installation procedure on CI & other environments debug CI installation issue improve Cassandra DB setup; add db connectivity diagnostics force apt-get to always use distributor versions when distributor has changed package contents Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into servlet3-cass debug CI problems revert CI debugging statements; revert .travis.yml; output DB setup text during installation remove DB connection test from test implementation setup Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into issue-1048 upgrade to Resin v4.0.41 update Resin paths; don't set JAVA_HOME & RESIN_HOME env vars in test implementation bash_profile.sh files, they're already set in config/benchmark_profile Revert "update Resin paths; don't set JAVA_HOME & RESIN_HOME env vars in test implementation bash_profile.sh files, they're already set in config/benchmark_profile" update Resin paths for v4.0.41 restart Cassandra at the beginning of benchmark run + refactor Cassandra installation; upgrade to Cassandra 2.0.12 verify database connectivity once for all databases before running any of the tests #1103 servlet3-cass: use java8, delete unnecessary files from source_code file, upgrade libs Set Cassandra listen_address and rpc_address param values during installation #1382 Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov (41): Upgrade Wicket to latest stable release - 6.12 Disable SSL connector in jetty-maven-plugin Do not buffer the response. Non-functional changes. Correct the version of Wicket (6.12.0) Use the same version of Jackson for JSON tests PR #640 Remove newly added jetty-maven-plugin. Issue #639 - Write back single object if there is just one entity requested Reuse the IResource instance. Minor optimizations to the way the /json response is created. No need to initialize IdentifierLoadAccess for each record Optimize imports Don't log WARN Initial support for fortunes Code formatting. Merge branch 'master' into wicket-optimizations Merge branch 'master' into fortune-page Update the source_code file Add /fortunes to the benchmark_config Implement: Test type 6: Plaintext PR #655 - Add some improvements as in PR #636 (Grizzly) Wicket: implement "Test type 5: Database updates" PR #656 - Use batching for the updates Merge branch 'master' into fortune-page Merge branch 'master' into wicket-5-database-updates Merge branch 'master' into plaintext PR #648 - fix fortunes' url PR #648 - add checks for queries Issue #648 - For /db request always return JSON object, for /db?queries=xys return JSON array Update Wicket app dependencies [wicket] - use plain JDBC, drop Hibernate Use stable version of Wicket Upgrade MySQL driver Use Guava 17.0 to overcome the problem with CDI Add the new DEV and PRODUCTION mode settings Merge branch 'master' into wicket-plain-jdbc Issue #814 - Fix the lookup of the Resin DataSource Issue #800 - Fix Ninja-Resin persistence.xml config Merge branch 'master' into wicket-plain-jdbc Fix a comment about generating the following lines Merge branch 'master' into wicket-plain-jdbc Masahiro Nagano (11): rewrote app.psgi. Do not use Plack::Builder and Plack::Response, use $dbi->selectrow_arrayref for more performance change to use Starlet and add some Starlet's options fix a opt name update README Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks format cpanfile and add --notest to cpanm Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks use nginx as reverse proxy upgrade perl to 5.18 and add --notest opt to cpanm for shortening time taken installing dependencies Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks do not use sudo. tune number of process Matic Žgur (4): Added Tornado tests for single and multiple queries on PostgreSQL. Call pip install before running server. Merged origin/master. A proper way of dependencies handling. Matt Veitas (1): Adding missing single quote to export statement Matthew J. Mucklo (1): should warmup after clear #230 and #520 Michael Mior (1): Fix typo in README Michael Snoyman (11): Work around apt-get issues (c/o @codygman) GHC 7.8 Clean up Yesod code with stylish-haskell yesod 1.4 and disable non-raw MongoDB Set the LANG environment variable Some Yesod (attempted) optimizations Some Yesod cleanup/optimization Use stylish-haskell on yesod.hs Reduce library dependencies in yesod Update WAI to use GHC 7.8 Pass in explicit core count from threads variable Mikael Lindberg (11): Simplify everything by letting nginx handle routing Simplify app.lua Whoops, placed the config blocks wrong Merge https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Forgot my own ip in there Merge https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Should fix DB test failing Merge https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Fix race condition in db test, and half stddev on json by half Add resolver Remove braces around single query Mike Smith (712): 18938 Break logging into individual files 18938 Forcing stdout and stderr to the logfile 18938 Removed default args from start() 18938 Accidentally typed 'logout', not 'logfile' 18938 Typed 'strerr' instead of 'stderr' 18938 Updated all process calls to use logs 18938 Accidentally specified stderr twice. 18938 Fixed bugs / rerouting stderr/out 18938 Did not kill the pid 18938 Syntax error 18938 Python hard 18938 Pointed to the proper PID file 18938 No more results on main branches 18938 Remove results in results folder 18938 Starting error log implementation 18938 Needed to add the subdirs 18938 Only one folder per test; two files 18938 Need the test folder for logging 18938 Passing the error log around 18938 curl is hard to use correctly 18938 Passing the error log to the test start/stop 18938 Gemini with err.txt output - never 18938 Missing errfile argument 18938 No longer storing results here master no longer housing results here master Removing result data Merge branch '18938' master Syntax error master Fixed finagle to respond to requests master Fixed a bug with undertow and mongodb Merge pull request #618 from stuartwdouglas/master Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #610 from julienschmidt/go-driver master Fixed a dart-stream bug with mongodb Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #619 from asual/patch-1 Merge pull request #620 from someone1/patch-1 master Falcore was improperly killing the test Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/weltermann17/FrameworkBenchmarks-1 Merge branch 'config' of https://github.com/hamiltont/FrameworkBenchmarks into hamiltont-config Merge branch 'evhttp-sharp' of https://github.com/kekekeks/FrameworkBenchmarks into kekekeks-evhttp-sharp kekekeks-evhttp-sharp Updated setup.py for logging master Forgot a comma master Servicestack was not killing nginx master Added the stack trace to the errlog output master Accidentally commented out the upstream bit master Ignore build/run files. Merge branch 'spring40rc1' of https://github.com/bclozel/FrameworkBenchmarks into bclozel-spring40rc1 master Minor syntax error master Spring was not shut down correctly Merge branch 'python-r8' of https://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR611 Merge pull request #603 from lhotari/master Merge pull request #602 from bckfnn/fixvertx Merge pull request #622 from jetty-project/master Merge pull request #591 from FrederikNS/master PR951 Added plaintext url to benchmark_config Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pseudonom/FrameworkBenchmarks into pseudonom-master pseudonom-master Fixed the setup.py master Added *.pyc files to .gitignore master More things to ignore master Not sure why these were removed... Merge pull request #623 from bbrowning/faster_jruby master We needed more logging Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks master Moved test checking to __gather_tests master Fixed a number of setup.py bugs master Trying to make .gitignore better master More gitingore stuff Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/purplefox/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR590 Merge pull request #624 from oleksiys/master Merge pull request #627 from skabet/dart-fix Merge pull request #625 from weltermann17/master Merge branch 'python-r8' of https://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR611 PR611 Fixed output for DB and QUERY Merge pull request #629 from treefrogframework/master Merge pull request #589 from nareshv/hhvm master Fixed the tornado formatting Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/lucassp/FrameworkBenchmarks into lucassp-master Merge pull request #638 from normanmaurer/netty_upgrade Merge pull request #642 from kardianos/patch-1 master Marked all the go frameworks as skipped. Merge pull request #643 from kardianos/patch-2 Merge pull request #641 from purplefox/master Merge pull request #634 from bbrowning/torqbox014 Merge branch 'python-r8' of https://github.com/methane/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR630 Merge pull request #635 from pseudonom/master Merge pull request #639 from martin-g/master master Unskipped webgo and falcore master Beego, Revel, and Revel-QBS working now Merge pull request #645 from apieceofredcloth/patch-1 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/aualin/FrameworkBenchmarks into aualin-master Merge branch 'ninja' of https://github.com/kpacha/FrameworkBenchmarks into kpacha-ninja kpacha-ninja Mark ninja-standalone as skipped PR581 Fixed setup files and models for pyramid master Forgot the arguments to start for pyramid master hhvm was not terminating correctly Merge pull request #636 from oleksiys/master master Had to update the falcore/webgo tests also. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks verify Added some beginning tests for verification verify Added in json validation attempt verify Syntax problems. verify Easier verify Fixed more syntax errors verify Do not benchmark if not json_url_passed verify Added some constants verify More verification implementation verify Syntax errors verify Updated succeeded/failed output verify Fix attempt at json verification verify Added db validation verify I am bad at this syntax. verify More syntax trouble verify NPE essentially verify Accidentally did Query before DB verify Needed to rename validateDb verify Rather large refactoring verify Syntax errors verify More syntax errors verify Fixed testing the wrong url_passed verify Added update and plaintext validations verify Needed to fix plaintext verify Fix for the plaintext validation verify Added FortuneHTMLParser verify Imports are hard verify More fixes for Fortune verify Bugs verify Python modules hard verify More testing Fortunes verify Needed utf-8 encoding verify More utf-8 fixes verify This is not in the docs... so... verify Added Fortune validation implementation verify More fortune testing verify Added entity additions verify Oops - entityref verify Changed quote to escaped entity verify Updated the comments and added entity escap master Go build errors resolved by removing deps. verify Fixed a bug with the '+' char. verify Explicitly required escaping of the "'" verify Updated mustache-compiler in Gemini verify Require DB to be an object, not an array verify Added exception catching so tests will run verify Syntax error verify Missing Imports verify Huge change to parsing and validation verify Fixed a minor bug with double-appending verify Raw file was not being created correctly verify Added the — escape edge-case verify Beego json fix verify Fixed the beego JSON test to be valid verify Fixed php-codeigniter's json output verify Fixed cpoll_cppsp's json test verify Fixed express' json test verify Fixed flask's json test verify Fixed Fuel's json test verify Fixed grails' json test verify Fixed hapi's json test verify Fixed laravel's json test verify Fixed lift-stateless' json test verify Fixed lithium's json test verify Fixed micromvc's json test verify Fixed ninja's json test verify Fixed nodejs' json test verify Fixed kohana's json test verify Fixed php-phalcon-micro's json test verify Fixed php-phalcon's json test verify Fixed play-scala's json test verify Fixed play-1's json test verify Fixed play1siena's json test verify Fixed play-java's json test verify Fixed rack's json test verify Fixed rails' json test verify Fixed rails-stripped's json test verify Fixed revel's json test verify Fixed ringojs' json test verify Fixed ringojs-convenient's json test verify Fixed php-silex' json test verify Fixed php-silex-orm's json test verify Fixed sinatra's json test verify Fixed php-slim's json test verify Fixed spark's json test verify Fixed spring's json test verify Fixed php-symfony2's json test verify Fixed php-symfony2-stripped's json test verify Fixed tapestry's json test verify Fixed webgo/beego's json test verify Fixed wicket's json test verify Fixed php-yaf's json test verify Fixed a few plaintext tests verify Fixed dart tests verify Fixed some type errors and reduced code verify Fixed an equality bug verify Fixed db, query, and update on php-phalcon verify Fixed php db/query/update tests verify Syntax error verify Fix for pyramid tests verify Fixed the db test for php-silex verify Fixed spring's tests verify Fixed dart-start's tests verify Fixed dart-start's mongo tests verify Fixed bottle's DB test verify Fixed code-igniter db/queries tests verify Fixed dancer's db test verify Fixed django's db test verify Fixed express-mongodb's db test verify Fixed express-mysql's db test verify Fixed flask's db test verify Fixed fuel's db test verify Fixed grizzly-jersey's db test verify Fixed hapi's db test verify Fixed kelp's db test verify Fixed micromvc's db test verify Fixed mojolicious' db test verify Fixed nodejs' db test verify Fixed kohana's db test verify Postgresql change to casing verify Fixed rails' db test verify Fixed rails-strepped's db test verify Fixed restexpress' db test verify Fixed servlet-mongodb's db test verify Fixed servlet-raw's db test verify Fixed php-silex-orm's db test verify Fixed snap's json/db tests verify Fixed php-symfony2's db test verify Fixed php-symfony2-stripped's db test verify Fixed tapestry's db test verify Fixed undertow's db test verify Fixed web-simple's db test verify Fixed php-yaf's db test verify Removed broken Go packages verify Fixed a bug with beego that I created verify Updated .gitignore verify Fixed cpoll not rebuilding on test run verify No more logging to /dev/null verify Fixed onion tests verify Fixed onion's db/query tests verify Fixed bottle's db test verify Fixed a syntax error verify Fixed php-phalcon-micro's tests verify Fixed ringojs-convenient's db/query test verify No logging here please verify Needed to clean some build files when done verify Trying to clean up after run verify Less logging locally please verify Please less logging verify More space-saving efforts verify Logging clean-up verify Space-saving efforts verify Fixed bottle's fortune test verify Fixed php-codeigniter's fortunes test verify Removed the need for an end-html tag verify Added apostrophe escaping verify Fixed compojure's fortunes test verify Fixed cpoll_cppsp's fortunes test verify Added quote escaping verify Fixed django's fortunes test verify Fixed flask's fortunes test verify Fixed php-fuel's fortunes test verify Fixed a bug with white space verify Whitespace between tags is considered data verify Fixed grails' fortunes test verify Started a fix for ninja's fortunes verify Fixed some fortunes formatting problems verify Fixed php-kohana's fortunes test verify Fixing php-phalcon's fortunes test verify Fixed php-phalcon's fortunes test again verify Fixed php-phalcon's fortunes test again verify Allow apostrophes for now verify Fixed play-activate-mysql's fortunes test verify Trying to fix some play tests verify Fixed rails' fortunes test verify Fixed php-symfony2's fortunes test verify Fixed php-symfony2-stripped's fortunes test verify Trying to keep sinatra from logging 5GB verify Trying to keep logging down verify Fixed the 'type' argument implementation verify Trying to fix some scope issues verify Still trying to fix the scope problems verify Bah to scoping verify Arrrrrg... maps are hard in python verify Trying to cut down the number of req. args verify More cleanup verify Trying to make better defaults verify True not true verify Trying to fix the command line verify Trying to clean up run-tests verify Trying to fix command line verify Trying to fix the command line verify Trying to fix command line verify Trying to fix the command line verify Giving up on command line fix verify Fixed a route for compojure verify Trying to fix luminus' db test verify Fixing some templating issues. verify Fixed compojure-raw's db test verify Fixed laravel's fortunes test Merge branch 'verify' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into verify verify Changed to explicitly require verify Missing is normalized test verify Fixing php-kohana's fortunes test verify Fixed php-phalcon's fortunes test verify Fixed a bug with the stop command for plain verify Fixed play-activate-mysql's fortunes test verify Fixed play-scala's fortunes test verify Trying to fix php-symfony2's fortunes test verify Re-enabling cowboy; trying to fix db verify Fixed cowboy's db test verify Re-enabling elli and trying to fix db test Merge branch 'verify' Merge pull request #633 from bbrowning/sinatra_perf master Fixed a bug with undertow's db test Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge branch 'use-same-version-of-jackson' of https://github.com/martin-g/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR640 master Fixed the db test for http-kit Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #646 from n1hility/master Merge branch 'wicket-optimizations' of https://github.com/martin-g/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR647 verify Added a check for boundary rules for QUERY verify Trying to separate curled responses verify Changed Query test to warning verify Added more logging for errors verify Fixing an error verify Added warning to the results.json verify Trying to fix the warning thing verify Copypasta problems verify More syntax problems verify Fixed the double-up warning problem verify copypasta mistake verify Relaxed the rules for parsing fortunes verify Added warning check to query for string arg verify Updated the output to better describe test verify Erroring on non-200 may no longer be needed verify Added more verbose logging verify Output formatting changes verify More output style changes verify No longer need to check for errors Merge branch 'verify' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #651 from weltermann17/master Merge pull request #652 from apieceofredcloth/master Merge pull request #655 from martin-g/plaintext Merge branch 'wicket-5-database-updates' of https://github.com/martin-g/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR656 Merge pull request #661 from normanmaurer/netty_upgrade master Added a clean step to running the clojures Merge branch 'patch-3' of https://github.com/yogthos/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR663 PR663 Added plaintext test to benchmark_config master Seems we need to remove the target dir Merge pull request #664 from ptarjan/hhvm Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/riffraff/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR665 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #668 from dolmen/patch-1 Merge pull request #672 from kpacha/phalcon-plaintext Merge branch 'phpalcon-mongodb' of https://github.com/kpacha/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR673 Merge pull request #676 from tudorconstantin/master Merge pull request #677 from bclozel/master master Fixed a bug where spring didn't stop Merge pull request #736 from n1hility/master master Somehow this got left off of the PR before Merge pull request #741 from kpacha/fix-php-phalcon-queries-test-validation Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/yogthos/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR739 master Fixed a syntax error Merge pull request #686 from pseudonom/master master Removed case-sensitive doctype check Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #745 from treefrogframework/treefrogv1_7_5 Merge pull request #747 from bbrowning/torqbox017 Merge pull request #650 from mmucklo/master Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/achlipala/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR749 Merge branch 'nawak' of https://github.com/idlewan/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR689 Merge pull request #750 from codylerum/undertow_validation Merge branch 'hhvm_bench8feedback' of https://github.com/nareshv/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR666 master Fixed a warning output bug Merge pull request #744 from TerrySwift/master Merge pull request #752 from codylerum/undertow_conform Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/raphaelbauer/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR688 master Enabled ninja-standalone for next round master Fixed a bug with query warnings. master Fixed a bug where ninja-st didn't quit Merge pull request #751 from nanocom/patch-2 Merge pull request #746 from bbrowning/sinatra-validation Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/davidmoreno/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR347 Merge branch 'issue614' of https://github.com/hamiltont/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR615 Merge branch 'selective_db_restart' of https://github.com/hamiltont/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR616 Merge branch 'fortune-page' of https://github.com/martin-g/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR648 master Merged without needed imports Merge pull request #754 from achlipala/master master Whoops. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #742 from apieceofredcloth/master Merge pull request #759 from davidmoreno/master Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/purplefox/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR760 PR760 Added query bounds clamping as per the spec Merge branch 'edge' of https://github.com/ctomc/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR738 PR738 Not sure why, but this needed to be remade master Fixing this file again I706 Fixed validation failure for Plack Merge pull request #767 from trautonen/master Merge pull request #761 from javalite/master master These just added noise to the err.txt files I693 Resolving the confusion about Racket Merge pull request #770 from kpacha/fix_readme_mention Merge branch 'fix-finagle-tech' of github.com:mosesn/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR766 PR766 Remove finagle's db test Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks master Syntax errors Merge pull request #772 from oleksiys/master master Fixing a lot of the install process Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks master Syntax error master Should only kill with 15 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jasonhinkle/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR782 PR782 Removed superfluous meta tag. master Fixed curl sometimes never ending gemini-1.4 Updating gemini version gemini-1.4 Fixed classpath gemini-1.4 Updated codebase gemini-1.4 Removed old jar gemini-1.4 Fixed GhVersion gemini-1.4 Fixes and updates gemini-1.4 Not sure what happened here gemini-1.4 Again, not sure what's going on... gemini-1.4 What is happening!? gemini-1.4 More changes gemini-1.4 Fixes for queries gemini-1.4 Batch support gemini-1.4 Testing gemini-1.4 Simple type experiment master Fixing the issue where nginx is wrong master Fixed a compilation issue with onion master This line NEVER worked. master Default perl install is still required. master Fixed a bug with snap's setup master Yesod needed specific versions master Fixed a bug with Ur/Web's installation gemini-1.4 Rolling back to latest stable Merge branch 'gemini-1.4' master Fixed a problem with snap not building master Fixed a problem with building yesod master Changed urweb naming convention Merge branch 'lapis2' of https://github.com/torhve/FrameworkBenchmarks into PR769 PR769 Fixed some bugs with lapis Merge pull request #740 from torhve/patch-2 master Too much info being logged Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #807 from torhve/lapisworkers Merge pull request #779 from idlewan/mongrel2_fix master Fixed the problem with mono installer Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks master Locked down the mono version to be run Merge pull request #801 from bclozel/boot-upgrade master Fixed a number of issues with install Merge pull request #871 from aschneider-techempower/trusty Merge pull request #932 from hamiltont/docs [skip ci] master Fixes error [skip ci] master Syntax error Fixed a bug with running Gemini Merge pull request #1005 from msmith-techempower/gemini Merge pull request #834 from snoyberg/master Merge pull request #1086 from snoyberg/master Merge pull request #1088 from kevmoo/reference Merge pull request #1089 from markkolich/curacao Merge pull request #1092 from torhve/openresty-queries Merge pull request #1090 from torhve/openresty-version Merge pull request #1091 from torhve/pgmoon Merge pull request #1100 from michaelmior/patch-1 master Fixed a bug with checking charrefs Merge pull request #1141 from lpereira/lwan-mysql Merge pull request #1149 from donovanmuller/master Merge pull request #1138 from torhve/lapis FixRunTests fixes a bug with truthy strings 1010 Fixed a bug with Cowboy not working with GCC4 rvmFix Fixed a bug where the GPG signature was bad rvmFix Fixes a bug with configuring RVM rvmFix Well, maybe this will work. Merge pull request #1158 from TechEmpower/install-fixes Merge pull request #1156 from TechEmpower/minor-concurrency-bug-fix Merge pull request #1160 from TechEmpower/fix-travis-breakage Merge pull request #1162 from ebramanti-techempower/master Fixed a bug with the restructure for Treefrog Fixed the issue about foo/0/501 Merge pull request #1168 from TechEmpower/1167 Merge branch 'master' into fixTreefrog Fixed WT Merge pull request #1172 from TechEmpower/1170 Fixed treefrog-thread Merge pull request #1169 from TechEmpower/fixTreefrog Fixed the bug with parsing files and getting str Added Exception to all try blocks Merge pull request #1174 from TechEmpower/1173 Fixed a bug with installing WT incorrectly Merge pull request #1177 from TechEmpower/1172 Fixed the rebar issue Merge pull request #1179 from TechEmpower/1178 Merge pull request #1180 from stefanocasazza/master Fixed a bunch of Golang frameworks GOPATH should not be defined here GOROOT should not be defined here either Trying to fix the nuke from orbit Merge pull request #1187 from TechEmpower/fixNuke Merge pull request #1175 from idlewan/nimrod_0.10.0 Fixed exiting if a port was forcibly released Merge pull request #1188 from TechEmpower/fixNuke Minor fixes to Golang frameworks Fixed a bug with maven-shade-plugin Fix bugs with Play1Siena Merge pull request #1191 from TechEmpower/fixPlay1Siena Fixed a bug with queries Merge pull request #1192 from TechEmpower/fixQueries Merge pull request #1185 from TechEmpower/1184 Merge pull request #1190 from TechEmpower/fixJersey Fixed the character encoding for servlet Spelling is hard. Merge pull request #1193 from TechEmpower/fixServlet Fixed leda Merge pull request #1194 from TechEmpower/fixLeda Kind of important to be in the correct dir Merge pull request #1195 from TechEmpower/fix-database-install Merge pull request #1198 from TechEmpower/fixLeda Updated the README.md to better capture setup Merge pull request #1199 from TechEmpower/updateReadme GOROOT and GOPATH are required Merge pull request #1200 from TechEmpower/fixGin Attempting to make variables to represent OS Trying to keep the envvars through run-tests Another stab at knowing the distribution Helps to spell things correctly Merge pull request #1201 from TechEmpower/osAwareness Caused so many errors - no time for a PR Stop killing run-tests and run-ci Fixed a bug keeping warnings from being benched Merge pull request #1197 from TechEmpower/fix-spring-warnings Merge pull request #1150 from zloster/dropwizard-plaintext Merge pull request #1210 from TechEmpower/fix-stream Merge pull request #1166 from donovanmuller/master Trying to fix a bug with benchmarking Fixed up update as well Merge pull request #1217 from TechEmpower/fixBenchmarks Merge pull request #1219 from donovanmuller/master Leda has been removed Removed Leda from travis builds Scruffy replies on SBT Merge pull request #1216 from methane/patch-2 Sigh... kick your dog, msmith... Ordered tests by length of type name Merge pull request #1223 from zloster/play1-java-random Merge pull request #1222 from zloster/dropwizard-mongodb-java-random Merge pull request #1221 from zloster/dropwizard-java-random Merge pull request #1208 from TechEmpower/fix-scruffy-test Attempting to REALLY kill tests needs to be a shell script Added required start files We aren't using modules anymore Fixed a bug with being in the wrong dir Testing out bottle - a frequent offender Need to expose DBHOST to framework scripts Updated the C frameworks Took a stab at C# Still broken - moving on Starting on C++ Addressed ULib Finished the C++ frameworks Fixed installer and updated compojure Fixed up lein and updated http-kit Updated how we invoke the start scripts Finished updating the Clojure tests Added the first dart test Updated dart-redstone Updated start/stream and fixed nginx Updated Erlang frameworks Updated the Go frameworks Fixed revel-jet Fixed falcore Finally got grails working Fixed an annoying bug with home dir Fixed up most of the Java frameworks Updated most of the JavaScript frameworks Updated RingoJS Updated the Lua tests Naughty - bound to ports as root Add more meaningful feedback to the user Fixed a bug with error logging Better logging Got jester working Ugh, none of these work - Perl, amirite? Updated bottle First attempt at updating the travis-ci scripts Fixed some travis stuff and duda Needed some travis debug info Trying to fix the testrunner+sudo issue More testing More testing Fixed a LOT of the broken stuff I did Fixed missing openresty setup Fixed mono/xsp install and got nancy-mono working Added CSharp to travis and fixed cpoll on ubuntu12 Fixed wt-postgres Attempting to fix erlang frameworks Fixed the Go frameworks Fixed lapis Nawak still not working Fixed bottle tests Started on the Python frameworks Updated the README.md to be more correct Fixed a minor bug with postgresql Fixed an age-old problem with restarting mongo Updated falcon Updated flask Updated pyramid Removing useless files Finished up the python tests Updated Racket Line-endings are hard Updated grape Updated padrino Updated the Ruby frameworks Got most of the scala frameworks updated Started updating Urweb; didn't finish Started PHP and fixed a Scala Adding more fail-safes for stopping tests Attempting to fix some haskell bug Go tests were not connecting to the DB Merge branch 'meganuke' of github-msmith:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into meganuke Python tests not updating DB Fixed a setup bug with cowboy Fixed a bug with elli Fixed a bug with rails-stripped Merge branch 'meganuke' of github-msmith:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks into meganuke Fixed a bug with restexpress Fixed a bug with undertow-edge Removed sbt from root - shouldn't be there Added a warning Added a comment Merge branch 'meganuke_mojo' of https://github.com/jberger/FrameworkBenchmarks into meganuke Merged jberger's branch for #1244 Fixed a bug with getting metadata Fixed Urweb Merge pull request #1258 from hamiltont/meganuke Merge pull request #1257 from TechEmpower/meganuke Fixed play-activate-mysql Some tests fail on 'localhost' Fixed Lwan Fixed cpoll Fixed wt Fixed Urweb Updated the README.md Fixed Lapis Updating the compiled version as well Added gitignores Fixed a few more DB issues Unrolling the install and removing files Merge pull request #1265 from TechEmpower/fixCpoll Merge pull request #1266 from TechEmpower/fixWt Merge pull request #1267 from TechEmpower/fixUrweb Merge pull request #1271 from TechEmpower/fixLapis Merge pull request #1264 from TechEmpower/fixLwan Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/achlipala/FrameworkBenchmarks into 1248 Merge pull request #1301 from achlipala/master Merge pull request #1300 from lneves/master Fixed the readme a bit Fixed plack never finishing the start process Merge pull request #1305 from TechEmpower/fixPlack Attempt to fix onion (again) Merge pull request #1249 from kevmoo/master Merge pull request #1238 from torhve/lua Merge pull request #1310 from jmaddux-techempower/master Merge pull request #1311 from kellabyte/master Merge pull request #1251 from bclozel/boot12 Merge pull request #1250 from donovanmuller/master Merge pull request #1237 from raphaelbauer/master Added haywire to travis-ci Merge pull request #1299 from judofyr/nim-cleanup Merge pull request #1306 from TechEmpower/fixOnion Merge pull request #1262 from kbrock/nginx_mruby Fixed a bug with gemini's start script Merge pull request #1312 from TechEmpower/replace-setup-scala-play2 Merge pull request #1321 from Eyepea/API-Hour Merge pull request #1318 from idlewan/redis_fix Merge pull request #1313 from jmaddux-techempower/fix-play-scala-mongodb Merge pull request #1317 from jmaddux-techempower/master Merge pull request #1316 from TechEmpower/fix-yesod-tests Merge pull request #1323 from TechEmpower/update-php-laravel-to-4.2 Merge pull request #1298 from stefanocasazza/master Merge pull request #1325 from LadyMozzarella/remove-silica Merge pull request #1327 from LadyMozzarella/php-slim-fix-db-responses Merge pull request #1330 from stefanocasazza/master Merge pull request #1331 from jamming/master Merge pull request #1335 from denkab/master Fixed a bug with lapis Fixed a bug with openresty Fixed some issues with benchmark_configs Merge pull request #1346 from methane/fix/uwsgi-daemonize-err Merge pull request #1344 from TechEmpower/gemini-postgres2 Fixed some config values for gemini Merge pull request #1388 from LadyMozzarella/resolve-play-scala-mongodb-errors Merge pull request #1380 from LadyMozzarella/play2-java-remove-running-pid Fixed ULib naming issues Merge pull request #1326 from LadyMozzarella/get-rack-rails-sinatra-running Lower-case the test names for log dirs Merge pull request #1402 from matrixik/patch-2 Merge pull request #1363 from RockinRoel/wt Merge pull request #1347 from bclozel/boot12 Merge pull request #1383 from marko-asplund/cass-inst-fixes Merge pull request #1409 from LadyMozzarella/fix-play2-scala-mongodb-name-config HHVM needs to release ports! Merge branch 'master' of github-msmith:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge pull request #1411 from jberger/mojo-pg Merge pull request #1407 from Eyepea/increase_pgsql_connections Merge pull request #1427 from Eyepea/reduce_pg_pool Merge pull request #1428 from Eyepea/fix_pgsql_cursor_handling More than 2000 doesn't work on our hardware Moses Nakamura (3): removed /db for now removed pool fixed the type error Natchanon Tatsaneepong (6): Add Yii2 Add Range of Queries Allow Change index.php location in setup.py Update nginx.conf for new index.php location Update typo composer.json Fix typo benchmark_config Nikita Tsukanov (3): Added benchmark for evhttp-sharp (libevent2-based simple web server) Updated evhttp-sharp "Hello, world" -> "Hello, World!" Norman Maurer (3): Use Netty 4.0.14.Beta1 Change json url Set higher backlog and not make an unecessary byte copy when handling json Olivier Mengué (1): Dancer: use JSON::XS for faster serialization Pierre-Yves Gérardy (1): Lapis: Cap updates to 500. Prateek Malhotra (1): Will not compile with unused import Peteris Nikiforovs (3): Updated ASP.NET packages Upgrade mono to 3.2.6 Upgrade mono to 3.2.8 Radoslav Petrov (11): Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dropwizard-plaintext added Helper class from undertow-edge project. Now using one method for request parameter validation/normalisation and ThreadLocalRandom for the random number generation See:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks#1152 returning single object for /db when only one query was executed now also using Helper class with ThreadLocalRandom for RNG the Helper class itself Returning array for results of /db with queries parameter present now using ThreadLocalRandom for RNG postgresql jdbc driver updated to latest released postgresql jdbc driver fix maven groupId reverting changes in resin-web.xml postgresql jdbc driver updated to 9.4-1200-jdbc41 Raphael A. Bauer (13): Added hibernate.jdbc.batch_size for potentially better performance. Some more informations about contributors. Of course TE has to be thanked :D Changed to RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction management. Bump to Ninja 3.3.1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Removed ninja-resin - makes too much trouble - and ninja-standalone provides everything we need :) Revert "Removed ninja-resin - makes too much trouble - and" Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks removed ninja-resin. Removed ninja-resin from travis. ninja-resin does no longer exist. Bump Ninja to version 4.0.0. Bump to Ninja 4.0.5. Raphael A. Bauer (2): Merge pull request #1 from kpacha/conf-path-fix Merge pull request #2 from kpacha/doc-url-fix Raphael Andre Bauer (27): Improvements for Ninja. First shot. Try catch for database access. Added UnitOfWork instead of @Transactional to ninja-standalone. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:raphaelbauer/FrameworkBenchmarks Final changes for next round. Moved ninja to ninja-resin Merge branch 'master' of github.com:raphaelbauer/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Fixed some small issues. Restructured ninja-standalone to match ninja-resin. Fixes https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/688#issuecomment-32195162 Fixed https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/688#issuecomment-32286284. Fix in response to https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/688#issuecomment-32315835 Moved persistence.xml to resources dir. Maybe a fix. Fixed benchmark urls (https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/688#issuecomment-32420980). Moved persistence.xml to META-INF folder. Somehow the build on TE's machines does not work otherwise. Fix for: https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks/pull/688#issuecomment-32546800 Bump to Ninja 3.0.1. Also removed no longer necessary exclusions for guava. Bump to Ninja 3.1.0 push to Ninja 3.1.1 Bump to Ninja 3.1.2 Bump to Ninja 3.1.4 bump to Ninja 3.2.0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Fixed testcases that failed because of new case of "Hello, World!" return value. Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Removed bogus servlet dependency and increased chattiness back to error log level (suitable for benchmarking). Remigiusz Jackowski (1): Fixed syntax error in FortunesController.php. Changed method of loading fortunes from raw SQL to production-grade ORM. Corrected name of table in cake/app/Model/World.php. Corrected name of table in php/models/World.php. Rich Dougherty (12): Split play-java into play-java and play-java-ebean Split play-scala into play-scala and play-scala-anorm Download sbt so that it can be used by Play Upgrade play-java and play-scala from Play 2.2.0 to 2.3.2 Moved play-java[-ebean] and play-scala[-anorm] into one play2 directory Fix play2-java-ebean and play2-scala-anorm's tests Delete play-java/scala because they have been replaced by play2-java/scala Remove or document code duplicated between play2-java and scala Update play-slick and move to play2-scala-slick Update play2-scala-anorm test Misc play2 updates Fix Play 2 benchmark_config files to say "Full" instead of ORM name Richard Nienaber (16): Added grape micro framework Review changes Made changes for rvm in line #18e3a693c Added more rack tests for other web servers Fixed 'versus' property for correct comparison Review changes Fix location of Gemfile Gemfile.lock to lock down dependencies Extended tests and added web servers for Sinatra Fixed Slim layout issues Make fortunes template match spec Added Ruby's padrino framework using DataMapper Added tests and web servers for rails Fixed ci warnings Added rubinius as a platform (#511) Fix locale for Rubinius Roel Standaert (6): Added Wt benchmark Updated Wt version from snapshot to v3.3.3 Forgot the generalize the DB host in a few places Formatting: replaced tabs with 8 spaces, removed PostgreSQL workaround Building boost from source, using g++ 4.8 to make it work on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 Removing transactions altogether, removed unnecessary mutex Roman Tsiupa (2): Some minor sorting optimizations Small bug in setup configuration Roman Tsiupa (1): Fixed bug in #791 Ronan Amicel (1): Vagrant: update APT index before installing packages Rostislav Hristov (1): Update pom.xml Sergey Zavadski (35): adding test for leda micro framework updating readme updating readme updating readme updating language updating code to use lua adding server as callback parameter updating readme updating to use latest api merge upstream updating to meet requirements fix name fix newline fixing typo and moving file refactored to add else clause refactored to add caching update setup script update setup script update setup script update setup script updates to code and install script changing install script mode flags to apt-get changing install script mode updating serup script updating config updating config removing standard libevent headers removing standard libevent headers removing the wrong commands making required changes updating version updates updates updates Shengjun Yu (6): add parallel async request for tornado remove unnecessary decorator web.asynchronous, call self.write instead. Add a check for boundary rules for QUERY (tornado) Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks return a list even for a single query #742 update 'query_url' to '/queries' instead of '/db', now 'Single database query' and 'Multiple database queries' use different handlers. Simon Oberhammer (4): fix jvm settings not applied; set JVM memory to 1gig use newest ringojs use response.text() because we are convenient use mysql connection props as used in gemini project Simone Bordet (3): Replaced undertow references with Jetty. Fixed plain text Servlet class name. Removed unused import statement. Skamander (11): Adding support for Scuffy with Benchmarks 1 and 6 Updated benchmark config. Updated scruffy version. Updated readme Added test 2 to scruffy benchmarks Bumped scruffy version to fix compression Disabled request logging Added install.sh file Lowercased name in config Added console output for startup Updated json test to output exact text required. Updated db test to output ints not floats. Commented out db population script Stefan Geneshky (7): Update the Perl Kelp framework Update README.md for Perl Kelp Add expert contact to README Fix all issues with Kelp and add MongoDB tests Kelp - Fix the 1:500 range warning Fix all issues with Kelp and add MongoDB tests Fix ' encoding in fortunes Stefano Casazza (18): end of the tunnel make extension and more output ULib fix - substitute of (#1083 #1122) Update .travis.yml DO NOT MERGE Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/stefanocasazza/FrameworkBenchmarks DO NOT MERGE attempt to start travis DO NOT MERGE attempt to start travis This patch adds PostGres test alongside with minor fix (#1292 substitution) alignment in how it handles json test cpoll_cppsp add linkage to libjson externalize usp define minor fix restore README avoid dependency on bash_profile.sh and doc fix better scalability Steve Wasiura (1): added code to /updateraw route Stuart Douglas (3): Update Undertow to 1.0.0.Beta24 Change to use writeValueAsBytes Update to latest version and increase backlog TerrySwift (2): Remove unnecessary codes Fixed view template Tim Fox (7): upgrade Vert.x to 2.1M1 Updated vert.x version plus some improvements to the test code fix untar of archive + make sure returned field is 'id' not '_id' Upgrade to Vert.x 2.1M3 Upgrade Vert.x to 2.1M5 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Upgrade Vert.x to 2.1RC3 Tomaz Cerar (4): Update to latest undertow Add undertow-edge framework sync code with undertow test & fix setup.py Update undertow framework to use latest stable Undertow Tor Hveem (14): Update installer.py Use CWD for full path to web.lua. Recompile lua. Try to fix validation for Lapis. Fixed #740 auto worker procs for lapis to allow scaling Bump openresty to Lapis: Use pgmoon postgresql backend lapis: max 500 queries openresty: max 500 queries Lapis: Fix object inside of array Lapis: split /db and /queries into different handlers lua: tune jit feature recommended by agentzh Bump openresty to version lapis: correct source_code lapis: use last released version instead of devel Tudor Constantin (4): use JSON::XS and Memoize get 8 nginx workers added JSON::XS as a dependency in README re-enabled the connection to DB U-R500-INN\INN (1): renamed mongo collection and key name. Valentin Agachi (2): hapi-mysql validation fixes express-mysql validation fixes Yichun Zhang (1): Fix the description of --max-threads Yogthos (2): updated Luminus dependencies, fixed handler to work with the latest lib-noir removed dependency, added lein clean to the startup script astaxie (2): add plaintext & db query test update the config for plaintext & db danielt (1): Add new dropwizard test using mongodb denkab (3): parallelize read queries Parallelize write queries; use tabs for formatting (doh!) ...use tabs for formatting to comply with original ebramanti (3): Added changes from Dropwizard/DWMongo pre-test-change Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' Fixed /update route so tests can pass ericbn (5): Corrections in vagrant-production/Vagrantfile for virtualbox Was not defining a private network nor assigning different IPs to each server. Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/javalite/FrameworkBenchmarks Updated configuration and reduced code Using latest release versions of activeweb and activejdbc Respectively, 1.11 and 1.4.10 Added activeweb-jackson tests gabriele renzi (1): replace sort with sort_by gglamenace (1): openresty improvements ijl (5): Pyramid benchmark for Python 2 and 3 Use create-postgres.sql Fix typos Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Separate setups for py2, py3 ikkez (10): init commit of F3 benchmark fortunes test Merge remote-tracking branch 'TechEmpower/master' into master2 update libs, tests and config fix test response additional test fixes fix db raw test return values, #2 fix fortunes test, #2 fix additional fortune item, #2 fetch id column in db raw tests ipolevoy (11): initia commit of benchmark app added env var to start app formatting formatting switched to Jackson 2.3.1 added plugin versions replace localhost in DbConfig.java to actual DB host added debug statement to see ACTIVE_ENV value fixed /updates URI mapping compressed white space, fixed fortunes message fixed queries URI jlucier-techempower (10): Merge pull request #757 from treefrogframework/psql-maxconnections Merge pull request #805 from lneves/master Merge pull request #813 from martin-g/master Merge pull request #787 from RockinRoel/wt Merge pull request #793 from oberhamsi/ringo-config-improve Merge pull request #796 from markkolich/curacao Merge pull request #821 from hamiltont/patch-1 Merge pull request #851 from agentzh/patch-1 Merge pull request #881 from matrixik/patch-1 Merge branch 'upgrade-perl' of https://github.com/kazeburo/FrameworkBenchmarks into 876 jmaddux-techempower (2): Update README.md Fix typo in README.md kardianos (2): Installer: Update go from 1.2rc3 to 1.2 (release) Installer: Update go from 1.2rc3 to 1.2 (release) kpacha (1): Update source_code lgratrix-techempower (1): Merge pull request #771 from nanocom/patch-2 mcocciaTE (38): Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/danieltheodosius/FrameworkBenchmarks into 868 868 adding dropwizard mongodb Merge branch 'benchmark/zend-framework-2' of https://github.com/Ocramius/FrameworkBenchmarks into 218 218 make Kain's changes from the PR comments 218 Fixed db tests for zend-framework Merge branch '218' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarks Merge https://github.com/purplefox/FrameworkBenchmarks into 820 Merge branch 'patch-2' of https://github.com/hamiltont/FrameworkBenchmarks into 822 Merge branch '820' fixed merge conflict 822 Added --instal-software but rest worked fine Merge branch '822' Merge branch 'evhttp-sharp' of https://github.com/kekekeks/FrameworkBenchmarks into 828 Merge branch '828' Merge pull request #786 from jasonhinkle/master 882 Resolved versioning conflict Merge branch 'installer_fixes' of https://github.com/reines/FrameworkBenchmarks into 849 Update README.md 849 added -y to most apt-get installs 849 Commented out Elixir and Weber for now. Manual install needed Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/gjerokrsteski/FrameworkBenchmarks into 812 812 Sorring by message, nginx.conf fixed Merge branch '812' Merge pull request #840 from astaxie/patch-3 Merge pull request #839 from astaxie/patch-2 849 Attempted fixing Weber/Elixir Merge branch '849' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/stuartwdouglas/FrameworkBenchmarks into 845 Merge pull request #845 from stuartwdouglas/master Merge branch 'undertow' of https://github.com/ctomc/FrameworkBenchmarks into 865 Merge branch '865' Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/xaxaxa/FrameworkBenchmarks into 778 778 had to add %><% before and after if statments Merge branch '778' Merge pull request #850 from reines/dropwizard_updates Merge pull request #866 from kazeburo/master Merge pull request #917 from lneves/master Merge pull request #906 from methane/falcon-disalbe-accesslog nareshv (13): HHVM Support 1. Updated source as per http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=code&hw=i7&test=json 2. Included only Raw tests as HHVM is not a framework 3. Disabled HHVM Logging 4. Fixed UTF8 issues with Fortune cookies 5. URLS are as per Spec Enable JIT add STOP support Code re-organized and fixed the setup.py script to take proper hostname errfile, logfile support added move plaintext/json from global to class scope use utf8 only when needed Incorporate PR 664 via ptarjan:hhvm correct the setup.py for proper regex replacement and add logfile in daemon mode make utf8 a keyword run in server mode as logs should be stdout/stderr per reqs make utf8 default and run in daemon mode oleksiys (7): + upgrade to grizzly 2.3.8-beta1 + optimize json HttpHandler: don't create a MAPPER for each request + no need for try-catch + integrate Grizzly 2.3.8-beta2 + double the number of I/O threads + implement binary version of PlainTextHttpHandler + integrate Grizzly 2.3.8 + integrate Grizzly 2.3.11 pseudonom (2): Removed manual minHeap Specified minimum Ur/Web vesion ptarjan (1): Wrap everything in a function root (6): avoid building of all examples more fine tuning avoid duplicate results add setup for default test some more tuning fix tuning trautonen (3): Dependency updates, small tweaks and attempt to resolve db issues. Configure local db setup via maven resource filtering. Conform to db rules. weltermann17 (10): undoing setup.py change, bigger db pool, fixed problem with mysql in pooling fixed networking issue, added windows test case removed typo from setup.py type Html is now correctly deduced to text/html added tests for plain's servlet 3.1 features oops, probably better to call the first test 'default' small updates and re-configuration Improvements for servlet, json, db. Will hopefully run on EC2 now. stupid - forgot to commit the most important config change Fixed missing for type Html string representation. xaxaxa (1): cpoll_cppsp: single query: do not output "[" and "]" zloster (2): dropwizard/plaintext now returns precomputed byte array Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into dropwizard-plaintext